It’s almost like there’s a correlation between being racist and being a dumbass.
It’s almost like there’s a correlation between being racist and being a dumbass.
big prinz is a well-known troll, who shows up to rant about how much liberals suck (but you see, he’s a real liberal, it’s all the rest of us who are failures somehow). Ignore him.
I’d respect him more if he’d call out all the ways his peers are able to subvert democracy with their money to the detriment of almost everybody else (case in point-no affordable healthcare, tax reform that helps the wealthiest etc etc).
Of all the problems with journalism, I don’t anybody would seriously argue that internet trolls and billionaires have too little influence.
Elon Musk’s twitter tomorrow: “big prinz, sadly, has better analysis than mainstream media, he is more objective than the New York Times”
Tell us more about how sucking up to a rich dude with thin skin makes you feel.
While I certainly think Bateman made some dumb comments that he clearly now regrets, the amount of vitriol and outrage this is generating among the Twitterati is also pretty infuriating. Jezebel is literally running an article where the author posts quotes from the interview and then writes “FUCK OFF” multiple times.
“Gonna be honest—if you find yourself constantly having to explain to people that despite what they just heard you say,”
But that’s not what’s happening. People are continually calling him racist based on one incident, reported years after the fact, that they lack all the information on, that they don’t have film or…
The key that makes Mulaney hilarious [to me] is that he crosses every ‘t’ and dots every ‘i.’
There’s an old HBO special (on YouTube) where Seinfeld, Rock, CK, and Gervais discuss comedy. It’s a great crash course for any aspiring comic. But Chris Rock hammers the point about how critical setup is because a joke can’t land unless the audience can perfectly visualize the scene.
Yeah, Ice. He’s a comedian. That’s what they do. You’re reading an article about comedians. You should be used to this by now.
Also, Lydia has the comfort of believing that everything she says and does is in service to God. Ms. Sanders has no such luxury.
Man you are going to have a terribly hard time finding a new job.
“The Whole World” is from Big Boi and Dre Present... OutKast, their greatest hits album from 2001.
Excellent place to be really. His shows are just so goddamn brilliant.
You know he was Scottish right? This isn’t exclusively an issue in the United States.
Oh thank God, I was worried there for a minute that there’d be a comment thread on the internet that didn’t have someone desperate to let the masses know of their complete disinterest.
Okay, this is the thing - I’m not American and I don’t care about American discourse. I’m Latin American. I live here and I’ve always have. And you’d be surprised about how many more than ‘a dozen’ use ‘x’. It is true we don’t tend to use Latinx much, of course, but the x didn’t come from English activists. It came…
Sure, except that Latinx isn’t a Spanish word. It’s an English word, primarily used by English speakers. Much like Latino, actually, which you point out upthread as “largely an American term”. You’re not even internally consistent in your trolling.