Agreed about it being as good as advertised. It’s such an interesting premise and I feel like I’ve been waiting a large portion of my life for Bill Hader to star in a tv show.
Agreed about it being as good as advertised. It’s such an interesting premise and I feel like I’ve been waiting a large portion of my life for Bill Hader to star in a tv show.
Agreed on both; unfortunately he’s a walking galaxy brain meme come to life.
It’s also possible to be a believer in gun ownership and not be a member of the fascist cult that is the NRA, so I’m not feeling much sympathy for Killer Mike here.
Majority? You’re saying the majority of Americans are gun owners?
Had anyone from the NRA said word one in support of Phillandro Castile when he was murdered, I’d be marginally more open-minded in their legitimacy as a platform for minority advocacy.
he recently told his children, “On the school walkout: ‘I love you—if you walk out that school, walk out my house...’
So proud of these kids. It gives me hope for the future of our country, which in these dark days is much, much appreciated.
How dare these kids presume that their right to not be shot is more important than my right to shoot at them?
I’m more proud to be an American than I’ve been in a long minute. This gives me so much hope.
The good news is I, like most people, have no idea what the fuck a pop team epic is, so we’ll just spend $850mm watching this movie. SORRY TO RUIN YOUR FUN TWICE.
Seriously, this hang up on specifics in general is a waste of time. I know the interwebs is mostly to blame because if something is trending or popular then an autopsy must be done on it so that its complete inner workings must be laid bare. This leads to “Everything You Need To Know About...” or “10 Things You Didn’t…
It Follows is great. Your opinion is wrong.
Yeah, you’re right, the movie sucks. A beloved movie adored by critics and fans alike “sucks.” Thank god the internet has you to ooze an opinion on whatever comments section you can find and set the record straight. Finally, a real straight shooter. You should definitely continue to seek out message boards whenever…
Anyone who says Black Panther is the worst MCU movie is suspect. Iron Man 2 and Thor: Dark World are yards ahead any other film in the franchise in the suck department.
Nah, it’s a good movie. Nobody is afraid of criticizing it. That’s just wishful thinking.
Manimal? Is that you?
Suffice to say that if you think Black Panther sucked, you’re going to go through life extremely unhappy with comic book films. Damn near everyone else does not share your opinion. Movie studios would probably like the ticket receipts of “damn near everyone else” over “random Internet guy with overwhelming minority…
You’re looking through your own anus. Explains your DC fandom
I don’t see anything wrong with a May-December relationship as long as he isn’t taking advantage of her and they can relate to one another. I mean, back when I was 21 I would have no problem if Mary Steenburgen or Julianne Moore wanted to date me. Also, he was married to Geena Davis who is about the same age as him,…