
Benji, you four-legged fool! Do you think your proselytizing will get you into Heaven? You’re going to...hang on...the Rainbow Bridge? What the fuck? That can’t be right

Yes, the kid gloves are clearly on:

No, you meant something VASTLY more stupid. You meant that if this exact same movie somehow came into being with a completely different director yet without one thing changed about how it’s shot, written, presented, etc., I would give it a much worse review because I’m so beholden to giving Ava DuVernay a pass.

As the author of this review, I can tell you you’re absolutely right. If this movie had a different director, it would be a very different review, because it would be reviewing a different movie, with a different director.

even if they got paid it’s unfair to make a bunch of people wake up super early in the morning and sit around for hours just because you don’t want to come to work.

All music videos are commercials. Commercials can be well-made.

“Longer Version Hard to Take,” Moans Recipient

When people start trying to tell women what they can’t do with their bodies, or gay people whom they can’t marry, or science teachers what they can’t teach in the name of the spider grandmother, then it will need to be taken down a peg. Until that time, Christianity is the dominant religion in the West getting in

Uh, yeah, that’s kind of the joke. You know he wrote, directed, and starred in a movie about how religion is a big con, right?

Because The Office is possibly the best TV show ever made, and yes I will stand by that. Keep in mind that it came out in 2001. Pretty much every TV comedy since is heavily indebted to it, and it holds up beautifully.

Marvel’s worried about their new movie opening slightly lower than their last movie, which will be one of the biggest of all time?

I remember a couple of years ago I put on Call Me Lucky on Netflix - not knowing anything about Crimmins, but I was going through a documentary phase. What a life this guy had. So caustically funny, but his testimony (at least the portions shown in the doc) is equal parts uplifting and depressing. Uplifting that this

All the stars sir. All the stars.

It makes more sense in the context of her full quote. She’s saying that there’s no actual evidence that we are in a simulation, so it’s sort of weird to spend so much time trying to disprove it.

Intersectional critique has existed for longer than a decade, it hasn’t exactly brought about a new censorious totalitarian regime.
You claim that the progressive left (far too broad a term) is against free expression, but all you can point to is a few isolated examples of nincompoops objecting to language in old

I wish WokeBot 9000 would just go jerk off already and leave us alone.

And it hasn’t responded with a whiny-ass ‘Who, me? Whatever do you mean? Pip pip, I’m from England!’ response yet, either.

WokeBot 9000 needs its plug pulled.

Friend, this woman here would like to get through One. Facking. Article. without being reminded of the perils of having a vag, please and thanks.

Jesus, you’re tiresome