Coach Taylor would be so proud!
Coach Taylor would be so proud!
He seems like he’s always about to breakout, but it hasn’t happened yet. Given how big this is going to be, it might be what puts him over the top.
Can an article exist on AVClub without Prince Ruprecht the Monkey Boy performing his social progressiveness all over the comments?
Hey, KeyserRoll is gone, and I haven’t heard from Ruprecht all day, so there’s that.
I didn’t love the movie, but god, the reactions from people who wanted some clearer moral judgement upon the characters, just, ugh. I hate the way people watch movies now. It’s so uptight and judgmental and just the utter inability to surrender oneself to the art and let it do its thing, not to mention an astounding…
Poster released in Nov. and Boll made his remarks in Dec, and I honestly have my doubts that PT Anderson had anything whatsoever to do with the poster in the first place. He’s got better things to do than handle marketing.
What I’m waiting for is for one of the people who dislike the movie because of Sam Rockwell’s redemption to tell me when exactly his character was redeemed.
The irony is that the film is about the pitfalls of angry people needing to put their anger elsewhere, and how displacing anger onto other people or situations will only reap more anger in re-turn.
Because we’re tired of picking apart everything every person has said ever.
My Community notification was nullified by “Greenland.”
I dunno, I thought his rambling reaction was quite human.
Meh. To Quincy Jones, musicians are just part players, like trained monkeys with instruments. A good musician to him is one who does what you tell it to.
He probably still harbors resentment because the Beatles totally washed out Quincy’s early career by making competent-yet-by-the-numbers music like Jones was churning…
Your opinion is wrong. Go listen to isolated vocal tracks on “Because,” or “If Me Needed Someone” or Paul’s vocals on “I’m Down,” and remember it was all recorded before any studio manipulation had been invented.
I’m a Ringo apologist, and you’re spot on. I can’t remember where, but I read someone saying that the remarkable thing about Ringo’s drumming is how often you can identify a Beatles song by the drum part alone (not in the sense of “oh, that’s The Beatles” but as in “oh, that’s Strawberry Fields” or “oh, that’s…
That entire article was full of shit. He’s an ornery old man making shit up.
Yeah man, I mean, Quincy may have hung out in the studio for a session or two but he’s never “produced” a Beatles song. Ever. George Martin and, to a lesser extent, Geoff Emerick were the only producers to have ever produced the Beatles. George Martin’s role was HUGE. The Beatles don’t exist without George Martin,…
You’re entitled to your opinion of course. But there’s just no real use in designating their musicianship ‘bad’ when their records are so ridiculously listenable and enjoyable and have clearly withstood the test of time for the vast majority of humanity. If music that appreciated is ‘bad,’ then the basic conception of…
A lot of people also confuse being “good” with being technically proficient. Somebody like Steve Vai could play circles around Keith Richards, but Richards is a better guitarist to me because he writes good riffs and plays them in a way that makes me feel stuff. Aimless meedley meedlies may be harder to play, but…
Those Beatles anecdotes are utterly full of shit.
Ringo might not be the most exciting drummer ever, but he had an impeccable sense of rhythm and timing, and I remember reading about someone going back and listening to all of the raw Beatles recordings (not the albums but the original tapes with the bad takes and all)…