
You had a mini solo bolo! I love Ben Schwartz so much. I wanna sing a capella with him and Scottie Aucks so badly. 

I ran into the actor who plays that dude while crossing the street en route to a bar and he had the perfect Jean Ralphio response. I made eye contact with him and started to say “oh shit” and he jumps in front of me and yells “I KNOW, RIGHT??”

I swear to god, people live to hate. It was exactly what the halftime show has always been: a pop star cycling through their hits, with a tribute or guest star thrown in to mix things up.

He did a more than admirable job. Some people act like this shit is supposed to be life-changing. I mean, outside of the homie Left

Your mom just took her mouth off my ass to say she liked it too

The kid was good. Get the fuck over it, Internet

I mean, my parents and I really liked the Patriots/Eagles sketch (we’re from Philly so we love Tina Fey’s Philly accent and references). I also thought the “crossed me” joke was worthy of the like 2 minutes of straight laughs it got.

Are their people who didn’t love Inglorious Bastards? Certainly no a fan of all his works, but that movie was phenomenal

Me like Sherlock, but it honestly not bad thing if show take break for few years. Freeman once posited that show could revisit these two characters every few years as they get older and catch them in different stages of life, and me really like that idea. So me do hope they make more. But show crawled too far up own

Across the whole mass of humanity, we see thousands of the same photos; but for a given individual and circle of their friends, that may be the only one they see. I take photos of touristy places I go not so that I can impress the world with my (nonexistent) photography skills, but rather so that 1) I can show my

Not even a big comics fan (and was a DC guy when I was younger) but damn I love this guy and hope he lives many more years.

Was Howerton’s character a professor of moral philosophy? It would make sense. Everyone hates professors of moral philosophy.

Same - the non-singles they call put as “good” are fucking spectacular, IMHO. Midnight Summer Jam is already top 5 JT songs for me, and I’ve only been listening to it for like a day.

I’ve been saying all along that Left Shark was some guy... nice to be vindicated for once. I’m some guy myself, and we know our own. 

Also unclear: are talking to House Left Shark, or Stage Left Shark?

Hillary wasn’t the one who said that.

I have a 4 year old Samsung that everybody thinks is a 2 year old Samsung.


You jest but damn I wish there was an extended Mad Men universe. My favorite show and sorely missed.

People don’t give her enough credit for her sense of humor. The woman can be genuinely funny (dryly funny, but funny).

But then, people don’t give her enough credit, period, so we shouldn’t be surprised.

The director could have easily won for Arrival. That’s the one I watched twice.

No, but his sister can be press secretary.