Burner baby burner!

This seems as good a place as any to confess that I’ve played around 200 seasons of Football Manager.

Probably too many strings attached to this bill.

Well, narcissism has nothing to do with cultural appropriation, and cultural appropriation certainly isn’t worse “these days”, although maybe narcissitic traits are, but probably not true narcissism, and non-white people don’t have some mystical ability to be free of “rampant narcissism”. Sorry you hit all my pet

2000 wasn’t swung by Nader. It was swung by the 200,000 Florida Democrats who voted for George W Bush.

it’s NOT a strawman. I have seen and heard arguments against wearing any garments, or eating foods, or playing musical styles, belonging to another group. On this very site and The Muse and other websites and blogs on the Internet! More than once!

That’s because for the most part, cultural appropriation is acceptance. A non Jew opens a bagel joint, or a place called, “New York Deli,” in Birmingham Alabama, or Jason Biggs (Italian) or Daniel Craig play Jewish guys- nothing offensive about these things. On the contrary, it’s a sign of acceptance into the

Yeah, he’s one of the greatest swimmers in recorded history, a world record holder, and someone who achieved more in his chosen field than she ever has or will. He's a dope, but until you ever get as good at anything as he is, maybe don't say he's not worth anything. And, don't ever get caught telling a fib.

It’s typical Jez hypocrisy. Something is BAD! TERRIBLE! THE WORST THING EVER!...until Beyonce does it. Then it’s FUCKING AMAZING! THE GREATEST THING TO EVER GRACE OUR DARK VILE WORLD!

Wait a sec...wasn’t Jezebel all up in arms when a guy proposed to his girlfriend right after she won a medal at the Olympics?

Don’t cry for Yoko. Yes, Sean’s Twitter kerfuffle was a minute’s worth of news this weekend. But that was yesterday.


So which QB is Bruce Willis?

Much like Kaepernick’s empty gesture.

Even though it’s a huge team effort, fans couldn’t help but wonder if he would end up thanking his former flame if he won — since T-Swift could have been a source of inspiration.

Why would he give his ex any commendation for his performance? We wouldn’t ask this question if he was a woman.... Plus we all know that relationship was a PR stunt.

Yes, well, just wait until she drops her next big single I Am Very Mad at Tom Hiddleston Because We Were In a Entirely Real Relationship, the Ending of Which has Left Me Emotionally Vulnerable.

Interviewer: Instead of talking about one of the most critically acclaimed films Hollywood has produced in years, let’s talk again about a crime that you were shown not to have perpetrated 15 years ago.

Why would I defend a criminal act? She’s not going to president and never was. Hillary however may be president and she won’t do anything to control the industry that’s donated millions to her presidency.