Divorce is a TV show. Jezebel has covered it quite a bit, actually.
Divorce is a TV show. Jezebel has covered it quite a bit, actually.
This is right-on. I tend to believe rape accusations too — overwhelmingly so. But overwhelmingly is not 100%.
Solange is pathetic. She was blocking the other concert-goer’s view. I can't stand assholes like her. Did she stop to think that she may be in the wrong? All she does is complain.
You are wrong, though. You know, that, right? Rita and Tom are the nominative; they are are the subject doing the action, and therefore take the subjective pronoun (I, We). They are not having the action being done to them; they are not the object, and do not take the objective pronouns (me, us).
It’s “and I” in the subjective. So, she’s using it correctly here. She is missing a verb, so that can bother you, though.
Yeah, he totally went to the Fabric Barn and found a patch in the same color scheme as the letterman jacket. There was a whole rack of them like personalized license plate key chains.
I never thought she did it until I saw this picture.
“Chris, I want...maybe need you to come with me to this.”
“No problem, honey.”
“This is going to be really hard to go through and you’re support has always carried me through hard times.”
“You know I’d do anything for you.”
“I know. And that’s why I’m going to ask, this is a big deal and there’s going to be a lot of…
(... And it makes me concerned for the staff, here. I mean, what a misreading. Gabs feeling OK?)
I’m sorry you feel sympathy for a fucking clown that decided to try and play gangster. Play dumb games, win stupid prizes. I don’t care that he had a “remarkable career”, just as I don’t care that a rapist was a “promising young athlete”. If you want to contribute to the violence in our society by arming your whole…
The United States executed a child less than 80 years ago and people act like the US justice system was fantastic until Serial and Making a Murderer told them otherwise. Give me a break. The Amanda Knox case was only shocking because the folks who were shocked couldn’t conceive of someone like *them* being treated…
Gabrielle didn’t read the NYP article before making this post— the article says 12 out of the 13 plaintiffs are white. They haven’t even picked a jury yet.
The last Bronco to get a shot that good was Aqib Talib...On Aqib Talib.
Serena and her coach immediately starting whining about injuries and taking the credit away from Pliskova. They are such sore losers.
the fact that you think kissing and pegging are antithetical is a microaggression...or something.
I’m going to take what might be a controversial stand here. First, know that I am speaking as a former ED nurse and certified forensic nurse, a sexual assault survivor, a sexual and domestic violence victim advocate, and a soon-to-be lawyer.
Why in God’s name are rapes and other despicable crimes handled in the insular world of colleges and universities and not immediately turned over to proper authorities? It’s like the Catholic Church “punishing” the pedophiles in their midst by sending them to other churches when instead they should be handed over to…
I think this is the part where I am supposed to scream, "Wake up, Sheeple!" and then spout crazy gibberish about how Big Ice Cream is the root of all evil, or something, but honestly I'm drawing a blank. Something about the lactose intolerant? I don't know.
I like how one girl shoots another girl and you still find a way to blame boys for it.... as if that even matters at this point.