Burner baby burner!

Nice try turning my experiences into somehow I’m awful. Appreciate that. Can’t just take someone at their word, assume that they’re a capable adult and capable of quality adult stuff. I’m quite happy with myself sexually and due to having been in the relationships knowing how my partners have generally felt about me

Very classy, which makes her look even sillier.

“I never want any problems with anybody in this world.”

No! Don’t even joke about that!!!!

Hahahaha I am so old and I always thought the lyric was “she don’t liKe, she don’t liKe, she don’t liKe cocaine.”

“Hey, can I borrow the car? Before you answer, remember that time I risked my life to save our livelihood and my grandfather from ax wielding robbers? Kthxbye!”

I agree with you a little bit (I think.) Because I didn’t hear any outrage over the scenes of Male-on-Male rape like the ones you mentioned or even “The Kite Runner” and the whole movie of “Mystic Skin.” The small group of films that do deal with male victims of sexual assault don’t seem to get any flack for it.

Jill, unlike the Rep/Dem candidates, is on the front line fighting with the Sioux. She’s sleeping in camp, in a tent that will be donated after they leave. She’s been there for a few days and is doing everything she can to help. What a horrible person she is!

This appalling bit of logic here is what strikes me as the problem with “SJWs”, as some people derogatively label them. The idea that just because something makes you uncomfortable, it needs to be banned from any form of representation is anathema to freedom of expression and creation.

“...you’re the only one whose opinions on you matter...”

This is a bit of BS. Murder, usually of a male, is used as a plot device far more than rape. I don’t see how the latter is any lazier than using murder, or other types of violence.

Let’s hope we don’t have to start stripping appropriated vocabulary out of English. Teepee, mufti, junta, sushi, filet, spaghetti, vodka, booze, bok choy, schnitzel, igloo and chutzpah all gone? We’d be down to a saxon language no one even knows anymore, with an agrarian vocabularly all about men, women, children,

Oh my gosh, 3 months of dating is almost like no time at all if you’re not famous. You’re dating just long enough to discover the other person doesn’t like cheese on their hamburgers and GIRL THAT IS WHEN YOU KNOW IT IS OVER.

I saw this movie, and while I am loath to mock people’s delicate sensibilities, that’s a pretty accurate description.

I strongly dislike watching realistic violence and don’t understand why some people seem to think watching it is awesome provided no one is raped.

But how do we know if someone is cold or is a bank robber? As for the leather mask — well, there could be a fire at an S&M club and the streets could be filled with masked sex fiends! Kidding, of course, just saying that the law presumably applies to all face coverings, not just ones worn by Muslim women.

He probably tweets political opinions.

He is more self-aware than most adult men already. He is gonna be a catch.

I was too lazy to type this.

The Russian judge just gave her an 8.9.