Burner baby burner!

Sports with judges are not sports, they are beauty contests.

She’s the one talking about him.

If Megan Rapinoe kneels during the National Anthem, and no one is in the stadium to watch the game, does it still rustle the media’s jimmies?

“World class mom, scientist, and maker of mean beef stroganoff...”

Oh dear.

Funny he should bring up Watergate. A career politician who made enormous strides in global diplomacy, creating a period of lasting detente and peace. But a politician who was so paranoid after real and fake scandals, and so distrusting after losing to an up-and-coming young Senator that they engaged in things that

I can’t fault people for carrying guns in public when it is perfectly legal.

They are resorting to violent action and harassing his family by being there. They’re brandishing guns and holding signs saying he should be castrated. They are disgusting, and if you think this kind of thing is okay then so are you. Grow up.

I work in finance and really like my job. That said, I’m far more proud of the dinosaur models I do with my kids. I’ve also told my wife that I don’t want my work mentioned at my funeral when I die. I only want people to talk about what kind of a person I was, what I loved to do outside of work, what kind of a husband

Are domestic skills less important that professional accomplishments? Some might say they’re more important. No snark here- I’m genuinely curious.

No, but her son, Matthew Brill, specifically told the Times that she, “made a mean beef stroganoff.” The NYT routinely tries to put a human touch on obituaries for famous people. That’s all this is.

Exactly- to her kids, the beef stroganoff brought back many nice memories, which is why they had it put into the obituary. Anyone who gets angry over this desperately needs a hobby.

Who else but an American university would hire her and in what capacity? She couldn't earn a living in the real world. And how could we go on without her thoughts on Madonna?

What's moral consistency? If your on my side your alright!

Because the students wanted a zone in the middle of campus without press. Mind you it was a public space and press has access to it.

This is the world the Internet outrage machine made but since Melissa click is on their side we should take it easy on her, mind you she was basically inciting violence.

I’m actually amazed at how many people are shrugging off the unprofessionalism this woman has exhibited, both in her actions and her apology in which she still essentially blamed “spirited journalists” for her behavior. She doesn’t deserve to be shamed or harassed, but she also should not be in a position to shape

Not sure that saying “I was only fired cuz im a white lady” is admitting any mistakes, at most shes saying it wasnt her fault at all.

Same thing happened with Jordan Sargent and Hamilton Nolan

I think she should be able to work again, but a communications professor blocking journalists from a public area and saying bring some muscle (a threat) is a very, very, very bad look. That and her non-apology, I know I sure as hell wouldn’t want her working for any department I was involved with.