Mental Iceberg


Chicken. Other eggs of varying sizes would most definitely throw off the ratio. That could probably be accounted for if you wanted to go to the trouble.

except that if she wanted to apologize she should have contacted Dylan directly, not this open letter business. [ok I just hate open letters]

It is white folk shit.

To be fair Latine/Latinx sounds like some white folk shit

I hate it too.

Yes, I’m sure she would have played different roles, if they had been available to her.

That’s $11/hr for 40 hours a week for 52 weeks a year.... $22,800 a year salary (before taxes). No... that’s a shitty wage everywhere. It’s just slightly less shitty than $7.70/hr for 40 hours and 52 weeks at $16,016.

Watching you comment is kind of like watching a dog lick it’s own ass.

“I’d rather play a maid and make $700 a week than be a maid and make $7.”

Don’t worry guys,

Not for 20 years of service in a profitable company. That is chickenshit.

Can you imagine how soul-crushing working at Walmart for 20 years must be?

“I am so damn sick of the other woman bearing the brunt of all the blame when a man strays. Sure, the other woman is complicit if she knows she’s carrying on with a man in a relationship, but there’s a lot of misplaced blame, and the majority of the responsibility should be placed on the person that’s cheating on

I’m here for this. It used to strike me as odd that my grandmother, a black woman born in the 30's, had a collection of Mammy and Prissy dolls. Now I’m seeing that this was probably because she wanted to honor women who looked like her and broke down barriers, in whatever way that was. Duh.

Somebody suggested Giboury Sidibe...not sure she’s got the chops for something like that though

So that’s an extra $1000 for every member of the Walton family over the age of 20?

***Mark Corrigan for the wank!***

I see your Lena Heady and raise you Lena Horne.