Mental Iceberg

................This reminds me a Lot of the Military............sure, there are appropriate channels one can use to report abuse............but THE MINUTE you walk thru the door of that office, to follow the chain of command, and go “up the chain from the inside”, you are MARKED................before you even leave

Maybe a car body specialist is in order here, bondo would do a better job of covering up these ugly assed people.

This breaks my heart but does not surprise me. I worked with an FGM survivor and activist who was cut at 15, and lived with chronic incontinence as a result, until she was 27. The temporary validation she got from family and her eventual husband lasted about 5 minutes before they ostracised her for her condition. She

Megan’s a breath of fresh air and apropos of nothing, I was in an uber yesterday, clenching my teeth at the awful music, when a particularly crappy song came on and I decided to shazam it just out of curiosity. It was Ed Sheeran. If you were to look at my shazam list, there would only be two songs in there that I

I don’t think I’ve ever once been told in person that I couldn’t use cash for something. I am always in the opposite boat where all I have is a card and stupid green cloth is required.

I do agree for uh and um, that they can be useful.

I once counted the number of times my coworker said “uhm” or “ahh” in a presentation, and in the span of 10 minutes he said it 64 times.

Like totally we shouldn’t like, promote this at, like, all...

I wonder if expectations for him would be higher if the bar hadn’t been set at “LITERALLY HITLER”. Seriously, you’ve brought this upon yourself.

Panderers gotta pander.

I exist without social media and google listening to my home conversations. You know, like a fucking grown up.

We don’t have a better relationship with China lol. They see a mark, and are now picking his pocket...the very thing Trump was accusing all of his predecessors of letting happen.

I’ve always had a huge crush on Serena and that cover photo is just making it worse.

If he doesn’t get a passing grade on his physical, the next headline you will see is , “Walter Reed loses all funding, shuts down immediately after all records are lost in fire.”

I understand where youre trying to make a point, but I would like to just be thankful all around that Weinstein and his disgusting pig (But honestly I cant even call him a pig, thats such an insult to actual pigs) ways are done, regardless of who is given credit where.

Three words.

Because white men make the best heroes.

Dolt 45 is not going to be happy.

For all you bitchasses in the comments who waited tables at some chain restaurant in college talking about how fucking easy it is to split up the checks preemptively . . . IT’S NOT ALWAYS THAT EASY. I worked at a WIDE variety of places post-college, from shitty sports bar to 4 star fine dining, and not every POS works