Mental Iceberg

Yes, it is. Not sure what people here are confused about.

Though I am not a Cruz fan by any means here is an explanation of the remark, it is a wrestling/fighting metaphor. When in a hand to hand fight that goes to the ground, you never expose you back to your opponent. Doing so is the easiest way to be but in a submission hold aka choked out. You are strongest on your back

even without this contextual video and just reading the headline, I knew it was a boxing reference. and I hate sports. Cruz is gross but this article is lame.

I think it’s a wrestling metaphor. Like America’s pinned to the mat & we gotta do something before we’re counted out? -Someone Who Doesn't Sport

It’s a boxing metaphor. That you saw it as anything else says more about you then it does about Ted Cruz.

Isn’t it a boxing metaphor?

I know I shouldn’t be surprised that something like that exists, and yet here I am...

The British are very, very drunk, though.

I live in the UK and can safely say it’s a British thing. Vodka with coke/Diet Coke makes up probably about 50% of orders at bars on a typical night.

If we're in the running for biggest and most predictable dipshit on Jez today, then yes you certainly are.

The kid is just stupid, and that’s his only problem.

I do wonder if this is some weird blind-date match-making thing going on, with his mother having good intentions but poor phrasing and execution.

I think that’s his imagined best-case scenario too.

Nate go do your homework, you’re failing

I think it’ll be fun to fuck with people on the internet by prefacing everything with “Millennials won’t remember but...” and just make shit up.

Not to mention, who will replace him?

How about that white chick who thinks she’s black? That would be fun!

ugh, that’s terrible. I hate the world, and the trolling assholes all over the greys on this article.

I love this. I’ve never quite understood why she was considered unattractive. I’ve always thought she was striking and beautiful!

Gender conflating skanks?

And Fuck YOU very much for invoking Buster Keaton in your pathetic little whine, Jacques, you HACK.