The only winning move is not to play

“So that’s what leopard bites feel like”

And three reasons to avoid it:

So you’re saying if Dr Fauci said, “Hey don’t take this vaccine,” and Trump said, “Hey take this,” you would take it? 

Also “the government has killed to keep this secret and personally harassed me.”

They did provide evidence:

Short version:

Long distance relationships never work

This seems like a smart thing to do with a near billionaire who is also 6'9" and muscular as hell.

When dealing with morons. it won’t ever make sense.

That always seemed counter-intuitive to me. I always figured the vaccines would be hailed by the anti-mask/anti-lockdown crowd as the catalyst for getting us out of the pandemic. Boy, was I wrong.

The fact that she shaved her head in defiance of #4080 record company goons only endeared her more to cis-het guys like me back in the 80s/90s.

The 1% were only against it because the shutdowns and vaccine regs cost them money, and the suckers ate it up.

Not to mention, this.

Vaccines weren’t available until after the election, so this theory doesn’t quite hold.

It oddly goes with their equally horrible strategy of unintentionally poising the minds of their voters around issue of mail in voting and voter fraud. They believe it, so they avoid early/mail in voting, or voting at all since they’ve been conned into believing it’s rigged. Seems like they’d rather just wallow in the


Damn. As much as I can look at the collective results of conspiracies and misinformation with a certain smugness, it still comes down to individual cases of tragic, albeit avoidable, loss. I hope that you’re healing.

Sorry you lost your father to disinformation.