If you roll those fees in to the lease, you pay $59. If you pay them up front, you pay $19. I spelled that out in the blog.
If you roll those fees in to the lease, you pay $59. If you pay them up front, you pay $19. I spelled that out in the blog.
The good news is that they are like new and drive exactly like they did when they left the factory.
“Hey honey, I need your signature on these papers so we can take out a second mortgage on the house. I finally found that ‘63 split-window coupe I’ve always wanted....
It’s the driver’s responsibility to NOT HIT people, not the other way around.
This is why parents should have been teaching their kids to look both ways rather than hear both ways before crossing the street.
Oh wait.
Um...why? Should we tell them autoerotic asphyxiation instead?
The Landrovers and Jeeps could score a zero and idiots will still buy them.
“Jeeps are garbage.”
That was dude who had the CyberTruck in Nantucket.
I know this is a hot take, will generate controversy, and will doubtlessly cost me many friends and allies, but I find Ted Cruz to be a viscerally unpleasant person.
There’s an asterisk that this doesn’t apply to flights form Texas to Cancun.
Not to mention, her sob story provides content for her TikTok channel, or whatever those are called.
Um... Didn’t she say her husband has a stupid loan on his truck or something as well? So how does blaming the dealership for him not being there change anything. Accountability = 0. Deflecting = 1.
She’s an influencer, most of them blame other people or things for shortcomings. Usually I see them blame the “algorithm” after they produce lackluster content for a few weeks.
Somewhere in Tennessee, Dave Ramsey is preparing his script.
Climate Change is accelerating, and nobody who can do anything about it seems to care.
Talk about overkill. Basic sequencel timing for peak traffic hours alone would help. A basic thing far too many places do not have.