The only winning move is not to play

Until sometime in the 70's, several of the little discount department stores and drug stores in our town had lunch counters. Two I remember were Grants and Kresge, a company which later became...K-Mart! The old Kresge building still stands in our aging downtown area and is again serving lunches. It’s the home of my

Still better than an NFT.

It’s a lot simpler than that. It’s basically like George Lucas meets the Peter Principal. Early on there were people to check Elon’s self destructive impulses and terrible ideas (“no George, we can’t have all the characters in Star Wars speak Japanese like you want.”). But when he got more powerful he surrounded

Did AIMusk write this?

this is simultaneously hilarious and just... gross

musk is so fucking stupid. Even his diehard cultists have been oddly quiet of late given everything going on.

He can rebrand it anything he wants, doesn’t matter, it’s still a burning dumpster fire aboard a sinking ship.

I’m truly surprised he didn’t change the name to simply Musk.com. In which case, instead of Tweeting, users would Spray.

Birds aren’t real, you silly goose

They’re going to be called xeets now. Or something equally stupid.

Musk is easily the best example of why we should dramatically raise taxes on wealth, eliminate the loopholes that allow billionaires to borrow against their stock options to live and pay not taxes, and that, as it stands, billionaires should not exist in the US.  So much money, no fucking sense, and he confuses his

Does he know they’re called “tweets” because birds tweet?

Of all his unforced errors, this certainly feels like the dumbest.

I got to X this breaking news.  

What the hell. The range loss has nothing to do with the battery temperature. The car is going to maintain the desired battery temperature regardless. High temps are actually good for battery range because they reduce the cell internal resistance, improving efficiency. Either way, the car is going to maintain the

That's more the problem with the whole venture capital system in general, where you can lose money hand over fist as long as you can convince some mark to give you millions on the premise of maybe becoming profitable in the future, then having no ans for doing so until thelast minute.

What happens to ICEs at extremely high temps?

Hilariously ironic statement since they have relied on free labor to literally “run it” for the site’s entire existence, while profiting billions from them.