The only winning move is not to play

Deploying your apps in multiple regions costs a lot more than a single region setup. Nobody is going to pay for that unless they have a customer that demands 100% uptime. Most of the Internet can deal with sites being down for a few hours, so they don’t bother.

All for a cost, of course.

The only thing I think I learned from this episode is that she, like Trump, should not be posting on social media without the use of a grammar, punctuation, and Random Capitalization coach.

Bolivians and their Bolivian marching powder.

I mean, what else are you going to find on a Bolivian airliner? Bolivians?

Nice Civic, bro.

“Innovation” is often the same old thing dressed up in new clothes, which legislation covers just fine. I know the tech sector likes to think of itself as having only original ideas that the rest of us can’t keep up with.

100% Honda Fit.

Novel idea:
Instead of going out and blowing $25k before you’re established in a job and have a known steady income, just keep what you have for a year or so so you get a better grasp on life and what you’ll actually need.

I have always thought highly of Dr. West but all a 3rd party run can do is siphon off progressive voters to the benefit of whichever right wing nutjob the Republicans choose to run for president.

The People’s Party has some weird pro-Russia views. Their website has pictures of a protest with some posters that would make Putin proud, and up until a month or two ago had a page on their website about ending NATO spouting some Russian propaganda about the nature of the Ukraine conflict. I think Dr. West has some

It really won’t be. The dream of fully automated vehicles with no change in infrastructure is completely unrealistic. If the vision is a future where you don’t have to drive yourself, trains and busses already exist. Update that tech and expand service.

He did in “Brunch with Mulva.

Should have gone with the monorail. North Haverbrook did, and as far as I know, they are quite happy with it. 

Oh. Dummy me. I got about 2/3 through this before I realized that it was not about Beyoncé.

Good, cryptocurrency never should have had centralized exchanges. It needs to get back to its roots of peer-to-peer wallet exchanges when I hire an undercover FBI agent to assassinate someone.

Oooooohhh, we got a “if I try to ban a book using a word other than ban, then I didn’t really try to ban the book” - Faux Newser replying to me here.

I don’t know the source, but I didn’t want to type it out like the words were mine.  

Musk is just mad that a Trans man can have a better beard than his patchy ass self