The only winning move is not to play

I wonder when it will click with people that the wealthy in this country have wealth because they steal and don’t pay people what they are owed.


“The banners featured many people of color including Black and Hispanic people. But one of them featured a white couple” - Noah A. McGee


Ironic that this was at...wait for it, the former FTX Arena.

Trump has accomplished great things, greater than any president before him or after. But he’s beset on all sides by evil forces hell-bent on destroying him and his legacy.

Was riding the ‘84 Wing Interstate cross-country back in the late-1990s. Was riding through OK on a 100+ degree day and hit a t-storm. Fairing on the Wing kept me protected from pounding drops and small hail, but still got plenty wet. Ten minutes later, out of the t-storm and back into 100-degree heat. Was completely d

Armed Black man rolls into a rich neighborhood to pick up white women? I hope that picture is a paid actor because if he’s really a driver, he’s getting murdered by the police soon.

A drug dealer is going to use an app, with a registered credit card and an unknown driver, to schedule deliveries?

I would ask if you are new here. But you have comments going back to before 2020. Did you have a stroke or early onset dementia? 

The irony on the other song mentioned, “What’s Love Got To Do With It”, is that she said in an old interview I watched last night, that she didn’t want to do that song. She thought it was sappy and wimpy and not her style, but ultimately she was convinced to record it, and it became one of her biggest hits!

My bike was my primary mode of transportation for three years. I can tell you in that time, driving in rain, snow, and ice got old REALLY quickly. 

Snow is even more fun than rain. Everyone looks at you like you’re a serial killer. One lady at a gas station said she was going to call the cops because there was something wrong with me. No idea if the cops showed up, I rode off.

I predict they will spend their days driving around drugs and drug money.

Yes. You just described what a news aggregator does. Well done.

Ike Turner was always a piece of crap. After the divorce, he did all he could to kill er career, and he did until Private Dancer hit the charts.  He tried to make his own comeback, but nobody bought his music.  He was long forgotten by then, and rightfully so.

Yes, because leaving business interests to ‘do their own thing’ has such a long and wonderful tradition of causing no problems for society. That’s why societies have no laws or regulations for businesses, after all. None whatsoever.

Lol we do not

Now playing

The acid queen is dead. Long live the acid queen.

GM is cutting its nose. I have seen what happens to automakers infotainment systems 3 years after the sale. They stop getting updated. I don’t want to sink a massive chunk of money on betting GM (not a software company) will keep their already slow and jankie software running on the out of date hardware.