The only winning move is not to play

How does that work taxwise if she had that $10M in her account on Jan 1.

Crypto.com doesn’t have any jurisdiction, it is private company and is not a government. They have no ability to enforce laws of any kind anywhere. I think you mean to say to a country where they do not have legal standing to get law enforcement to take action. That is not impossible but even if she moved the money

What a weird and overly aggressive take

Imagine if they gave it to her in crypto.  10.5, no wait, 12, no wait, 9, 8 now 7. dammit. 

What’s the mindset that goes, “Ooh, $10.5 million for free? Guess that’s mine now!”

I mean, if this was a bank, sure. But it’s crypto. So who knows?

You have to be an idiot to spend money you received by mistake but Crypto.com are being real dicks for asking for interest for their own mistake.

I would have cashed out, moved to a country where Crypto.com does not have jurisdiction and enjoy the simple life on a beach somewhere.

Yep - when they freeze withdrawals and prevent trading, it’s all “It’s unregulated crypto, what do you expect?!” When they fk up and send you a huge amount, suddenly it’s all regulated and they are passing judgements with additional back interest....

This is the kind of “interview” that we’re missing these days. Have a guest live in studio and just hammer them with their own clips.

I mean, no?

Well I guess that’s one way Crypto is like banks.

I was financially ruined when I shorted Stark Industries stock at his urging.

Unless he’s shilling some extremely low-cap assets, his audience wouldn’t have enough capital to actually move things in one direction or another. 

Cramer’s best advice was upgrading the Bluth Company from “Triple Sell” to “Don’t Buy”.

He obviously buys just before he tells his viewers to buy, and reaps the profit.

All fun and games until someone totals your car and you’re left without it. I had briefly considered this as 9 or so months out of the year I can ride my motorcycle to work most days but in the end I decided it can just sit in my driveway. It gets driven every Sunday to go grocery shopping at least so it’s not like

I’d rather share my wife. 

The only Body Count that matters.