The only winning move is not to play

That’s true, and it has been basically forever. Sex education programs really need to get heavily boosted worldwide. And "abstinence-only" versions need to get banned.

Prophylactics won't help with Monkeypox. It's not an STD; sex only provides enhanced versions of the conditions under which it transmits from person to person.

Here’s 10 under $50K!

It seems like a cart before the horse move, but theoretically this could be the fire automakers need lit under them to actually make affordable and practical EVs.

If states are just going to start “banning” things (this is not a ban, btw), then this is one of the things I’m cool with.

“Technically speaking, FN Meka is voiced by a human,” Martini told Music Business Worldwide. “But everything else about him — from his lyrics to the chords and tempo underpinning his music — is based on AI.”

I have typed words on a shared google sheet to communicate with other people. The video is just way ahead of its time :)

I think what we’re seeing is the tech industry has become so massive it is actually collapsing into a singularity and subsequently getting sucked up inside of its own asshole.

If the Ayatollas want to put a fatwa on this guy, I won’t be mad.

Nah, fuck all self-entitled influencers.

You lost me at “YouTuber”. Don’t care.

I weep for humanity.

I’ve read about that, they process the coca leaves then supposedly sell the cocaine to laboratories. I’m sure none of it ever goes missing

Piece of shit conman. I’ll never understand why people buy his bullshit.

There. FIFY. Maybe even ignore them altogether. 

Yeah, it’s nice when a property comes with facilities already built in

Wouldn’t that just lead to a bidding war?