The only winning move is not to play

I bought a huge block of store-brand, orange cheese at the very peak of food hording because that was all I could find. I’m not sure it was labeled as any specific variety. Back in the day it was referred to as “government cheese.” That thing lasted a long time and we had to invent ways to consume it. At one point my

Anybody need two gallons of hand sanitizer that quite literally smells like ass? Only cost me $30, I’m willing to give it away to the 1st person that knocks on the door.

Yeah...when Amazon Media Player “offered” to manage all my ripped MP3s, many of them somehow got deleted several years later as not being in Amazon’s catalog.

I don’t have mp3s anymore, but I do have all the CDs I ever bought ripped to flac. And when I like an album enough, I’ll still buy and rip a CD, to support the artist and ensure I can listen when I want for as long as I want, with no potential future digital rights issues.

I went a bit overboard when disposable masks were completely unavailable. I bought like 5 different orders of masks from AliExpress. They cost like $50, but they didn’t get here until masks were already much more available here. So, now I still have like 400 masks sitting on a shelf in the corner of my entryway. I

Winamp has gotten into the NFT game/scam, much to the chagrin of its founder. So I’ll just stick with MusicBee.

Sometimes the products do return to the original size (or close to it) only this time they include branding for BONUS X%! as if it’s now a deal to get the same amount you got just a couple weeks ago. Snyder’s of Hanover pulled this crap with their Pounder bags. They dropped them from 16oz to 12oz keeping the price the

I mean it’s different judges, different courtroom. Both judges are female. The judge in the R. Kelly case may also be thinking of the fact that he has other trials pending in both State and Federal courts. Maxwell is 60, most likely is going to not be released until she’s at least 77 as she’s got to serve 85% of her

He literally pissed his career away....

I give it until the end of the year for this thing to get hacked again. 

I hope the BAYC wins a long, drawn-out court case that takes years. Given the “value” trajectory of crypto generally — and NFTs in particular — their winnings should end up being negative.

The suit is concerned with trademark, not copyright.
The difference is subtle, unlike the BAYC “art.”

CLA class is literally $4k more the A class...

None of the things you posit benefit any ways from nfts. In fact they already exist without nfts. 

Now obviously that wouldn’t happen because of lost of future potential earnings and the effort they would have to put in, so that the objects would transfer.. but that a potential use for NFTs

Reading the original Hollywood Reporter article, I noticed that Keanu Reeves says nothing in the article... it’s all his girlfriend/partner Alexandra Grant talking... that combined with him mocking crypto and NFT only a few months ago in a Matrix 4 interview (again linked in this article)... makes me think he was

No, the concept is extremely stupid. You’re buying a hyperlink, not the art itself. Said hyperlink can not link to whatever you bought at literally ANY time.

Can’t it be both?

Cept that’s not at all how it works.