The only winning move is not to play

oh great, more gimmicky bullshit

I think perhaps

Think attention seeking ten year old boys.

In business, it’s very common and CORRECT to due your due diligence on a business.

For the low, low price of $1B he can saunter away pretending to be the smart guy and not an impulsive twit.

Big bada boom.

You sure you know how to wear a tie? If you think the tie is constricting blood flow to your brain, it’s not. It’s your collar. Your collar is too small and doesn’t fit your neck. You need to get a shirt with a proper collar size. A properly fitting collar with a tie can still be quite comfortable.

that language is a biggggg part of the appeal, because it’s so secretive. people become curious, get tired of being called poor (one of the few phrases that they use that are self-explanatory), and they go out of their way to learn the language. at which point, through the process of learning about whales and

I think it might be good for the public discourse if we stop giving the same weight to arguments made by experts with peer reviewed data, and those of individuals with anecdotal “evidence” that mischaracterizes both.

This sounds like the statement of someone who is online a lot. Most people don’t know what it is or how it works, so there’s gonna be a while before that big buy-in occurs.

Drugs. It went to buy drugs.

Give me a fucking break. Republicans are such a pain in the ass. Big god damn babies, fuck ‘em. Oh, and please waste all your money trying to sue twitter for banning you, GOP constituents.

What you’re describing is known as a “dead cat bounce”.

Never is a very long time, and zero is a very specific value.

I dont know how to insert pictures here, but imagine that South Park episode: Annnnddd its gone.

Bitcoin will never reach zero.

So my knowledge of crypto is limited - what happened to all the money that was put in? Where did it go? For instance, when someone loses their life savings on crypto, where did that money actually end up?

Now playing

If you see him out in public, make him feel very uncomfortable.

His show is increasingly Orwellian, denying that racism exists while spouting overt white supremacy day in and day out 

Straight white guys want ALL the candy, even the linty pieces under the couch. They think they deserve everything, and get REALLY JEALOUS over those linty pieces.