The only winning move is not to play

The Casey case replaced the far stronger Roe trimester standard with the much more vague “undue burden” rule, which opened the door for abusive TRAP laws by Republican-dominated state governments. It’s good to see Casey Jr take a stance beyond his father’s odious role in the anti-choice movement. 

Yes, let the guy who repeatedly insisted he won an election he clearly lost, and incited an insurrection with his repeated lies, back on Twitter.

Actually I’ve watched that video twice (so far). I just want to hear from a crypto booster some kind of explanation.

Now playing

Maybe you can explain this to me because I still don’t get it: what provides Bitcoin’s value?

According to me, room temperature fruit tastes better anyway. Cold can reduce the intensity of certain flavors and, though the topic remains poorly understood in scientific circles, room-temp fruit reads as juicier, sweeter, and more fragrant.”

I thought I heard the sound of millions of Qidiots’ heads exploding. 

I’ll tickle your balls for some Ethereum.

The majority of people do not, under any circumstances, by any stretch of the imagination buy individual stocks. Most people by index funds or mutual funds that invest in a basket of stocks. Anyone who did this is down about 10% and is still earning dividends which can be reinvested (something that a crypto investor

I’ll bite. The S&P 500 the market is down 10.8% from 6 months ago. Nasdaq down around 23.5%. So nowhere near your 60% drop. Yeah, you can cherry pick individual stocks to find big losses... you have been able to do that for as long as stock markets have existed. A well balanced portfolio is not down 60%.

The Dow hasn’t lost 50% of it’s value in the last 6 months.

PILES of stocks that neophyte investors and seemingly ALL of the crypto is down like that though. Which suggests that those burned neophytes are getting out of the market.

When neophytes get burnt, hard? They do not easily or maybe never, come back. (At least

I see one minor winner there so your point is moot.

Claire Lower, who would be a good addition to The Takeout.

Tequila will last about one year after opening before it starts to taste bad. It doesn’t matter if it’s Mezcal or tequila, the time frame is about the same. It won’t kill you, but it won’t taste right—and once you notice the taste profile turning, it’s a downward slide from there.

For some reason I’ve never had to worry about how long liquor lasts after opening the bottle.

To them I say

Depends on the butthole, I guess.

I completely agree.

a lotta yall still dont get it

ape holders can use multiple slurp juices on a single ape

so if you have 1 astro ape and 3 slurp juices you can create 3 new apes

Tonight’s slurp juice mint event is essentially a minting event for both Lab Monkes and Special Forces

Somebody should submit this to the Academy Awards for Best Documentary Feature (hell, it’s certainly long enough!).