The only winning move is not to play

Crypto is also a massive waste of energy. A waste of energy that produces massive amounts of pollution. 

Freedom to live as whoever you want to be.


Gold has had intrinsic value for so long that the transition from worthless rock to object of value is a question not for historians but for archeologists. It helps very much that it’s one of the easiest metals to work and in some places is accessible without even having to smelt it from an ore. It’s been valuable

The way the market has been trending since last fall, Buffett may be able to purchase all of the world’s Bitcoin for $25 in a few months.

its real because its The US currency and is backed by US economy and most importantly US military (which will bomb anyone threatening US companies profits)...
crypto shit is backed by nothin’ but faith.

7. Los Angeles

Yeah... BuT tHeRe”s No ‘k’ iN cUcUmBeR!!1!!11!!

Cukes! Cukes! The pronunciation of ‘cucs’ sounds like something else entirely.

I have added sliced cukes before, but not necessary. I like avocado, I just don’t obsess over it the way a lot of people seem to. I find it kind of bland, to be honest, and this sammich relies on the hummus for that richness. But you do you:) 

There are cucs in tabbouleh, FWIW.

A trick I learned from Alton Brown - with veggie sandwiches, scoop out some of the bread. Since most veggies tend to not be sliced thin like deli meat, it’ll help ensure everything stays in place. He also wrapped his and let it sit in the fridge for a bit.

Or just buy the bags of shell-less hard boiled eggs at the store

You all realize that so-called real money literally grows on trees, right?

You’re laughing all the way to the rug store

God, this is such a pointless argument. Yes, money is fake, language is made up, blah blah blah. But so is Crypto, and that argument doesn’t add any value to it because it means Crypto currency is just as fake as “real” money, so it’s a self defeating argument. But it also comes with a host of other baggage, and

Remember when you said this in an older comment?

i don’t think that a three week, considered investigation with 8 expert citations is knee jerk but ymmv

What the fuck is this?