The only winning move is not to play

Home Depot, United Parcel Service, Nestlé and Procter & Gamble Company are among the companies that Perry Greene purchased stock in on June 10,

TIL: She’s married????

Don’t have kids... Because they’ll stand there with the GD door open, even though you’ve asked them 1500 times to close the door, because.... Now there are 7 flies inside the freaking house...

“Speak american Kowalski

Sham-Wow Vince did not make better choices.

The expression in the lead image makes me think he’s trying to sell me a Sham-Wow.

Check your browser or the video again, it’s available in up to 2160p.

More wheels more progress

Oh, that’s easy.  Musk doesn’t have a company that makes electric trams.

sounds like the most las vegas thing they could do, then.

I just want to ask why you would read that one article and think “Oh, everyone else in the world and the entire scientific community must be wrong”.

Nice try! But leading with a well-known climate-denial blog is bad form, bruh. You need to ease your way into that well-trodden horseshit.

Because she doesn’t live in a trailer. She’s on their intellectual level, but she’s way better off financially. So, in her mind, of course the redneck isn’t her.

Death cults gonna death cult.

She took the Trump correspondence course to politics.

She’s team whatever she thinks will “own the libs” and get her national press for saying something stupid.

I really can’t come to any other conclusion than these people are pure nihilists. They literally want the world to burn.


Matt Levine had a good post on this at Bloomberg. Him just saying, “Twitter has a bot problem - I don’t wanna do the deal!” would probably not hold up in court, and he could get forced to complete it. But claiming that Twitter is not giving him the information to assess whether they lied is apparently on stronger

How about we have a live broadcast with Geraldo Rivera spending two hours talking about the history of the crate, speculating about what might be in the crate and how exactly the crate is going to be opened, and then the last five minutes standing in front of an empty crate apologizing for wasting everyone’s time.