The only winning move is not to play

When I see people wearing these (or OTE headphones in general) outdoors, while looking down at their phone, while (jay)walking across the street, I think to myself: the problem starts between the ears.

NEVER build a structure from Norwegian Wood.

I’m guessing the ‘D’ in their brand stands for ‘douche.

Well, they’ll have to order more Braille titles, I reckon.

I’m so old, I can recall when x.com hosted PayPal’s developer documentation.

“GrokAI, show me a visual representation of Elon’s coding style

He’d buy Zombo.com

So could Bill Cosby back in the day.

America’s Greatest Threat: BEARS

He is hilariously inept.

all anyone can do to fight it is not watch the videos

I don’t mean to sound like that guy, but “Asian” is not a race.

I wouldn’t be surprised if a couple YouTubers (not necessarily in the cars space) could outspend the BBC.

So... Top Gear?

Sorry, the youngins don’t get your old man references to things like “talent” or ‘P-trap.

Better headline:

(a) It’s engagement bait.

Check the date.

Ha ha!

I’m officially old, and I drive a ten year-old Honda.