The only winning move is not to play

You are safe space?

He did get on Ttump’s bad side. At the ’16 GOP convention. Then this happened.

He’s the Nelson Peltz of Mike Lindells.

Sewer treatment is a worthwhile endeavor. Naming a sewage plant after DJT would sully it undeservedly.

I’m sure you know this already, but New York can’t stand him, and never could.

“This is an important clue for better understanding the mutualistic relationships between humans and animals that resulted in domestication,” said Spengler.

The point -=> .

Texas is both Western AND Country.

I’m almost 60 years old. I’ve lived through a good number of these by now.

Vans are a subset of cars.

Have you ever thought about where the term Wi-Fi comes from?

It’s Soofa King.

After the last three or four years, anybody who is still involved in the cryptoverse should know the risks. The risks being that if you don’t know who the sucker is at the crypto table, the sucker is you.

Sounds like a good story for Valleywag.

I know these people were hired to act, but it used to be the spokesman spokeswoman actually used the product they were endorsing.

No, you’re wrong. Since it was “diversity” that caused the crash, only half of Obama is to blame.