The only winning move is not to play

Smarter phones gave dumber people all the power. Wait until artificial “intelligence” gets through with us.

More info here:

The best kind of slideshow!


The internet is dying.

Cage seems born for whatever role he plays.

Slide shows are bad enough already. A slide show that consists of nothing but slow-loading embedded xCrements is an abomination.

Not to mention auto insurance is skyrocketing like a mother right now.

Now playing

Oddly, one of the few people that almost make Musk look good in comparison.

Easy. Everybody wants crossovers now.

Kevin O’Leary is an idiot, but I have lived car-free in Oakland/Berkeley, CA for well over a decade now. But I am a single person with high income and live close to work (and can WFH most days). My neighborhoods in both cities have been very walkable, and I have easy access to car-sharing services, plus a motorbike.

It’s “en masse,” not “on mass.
Just a friendly note.

“Bing bing...bong bong bong. Shewww!

Fixed that for us all.


And, unfortunately, by the time a lot of us get to the point at which we can afford to buy equipment to hear the difference, we can no longer hear the difference. :)

AI. Invented by Tim Apple, of course.

So, he’s saying the “oranges” of these clips from eight years ago is technology that hadn’t been perfected (and still isn’t) yet?