When the bank or scam website comes after you for the money.
That’s when.
When the bank or scam website comes after you for the money.
That’s when.
Found Xi Jinping’s Kinja burner
Not defending this idiot, but the SEC would be so all over him if he’d been doing that for all these many decades.
Investing is investing, unless you’re talking about just throwing darts at the wall. Are there excesses and “irrational exuberance” on Wall Street. Certainly.
“How much for your wife?”
Woe is the user who gets this thumbnail attached to a “recommended” post on one of Claire Lower’s delicious Lifehacker food posts.
If there’s one thing that could make the living trash heap that is “reality” TV almost look respectable, it’s “social” media.
In thirteen years, 60k will be cheap, especially if recent inflation trends continue.
Some hackers are actually Google ads.
“The most diplomatic ever. Nobody’s ever been more diplomatic. Bigly!”
“You could get a smack for that.”
Tommy Wiseau hasn’t made anything good since The Room.
As a certified old, I can say unequivocally, it was much better growing up before the age of “influencers”.
Of course, all the land bank properties are in places I don’t want to live in or own property.
This is how civilization ends: our whole economy will be so overrun with grifters and con men, influencers and scammers that there will be no one left doing the productive work of growing food, paving roads, teaching our kids.
Didn’t Gen. Patreus(?) and his goomah hookup over google docs?
With rum is the only correct answer.