
Logan did as well, right after Gerri. That’s how he accidentally replied to the wrong one!

Geri and Logan sent Roman congratulatory texts. He responded to the 2nd one (Logan’s) when meaning to respond to the first.

As a person who finds Ted Lasso okay, I’ve watched the season two discourse with wonder. It really surprises me that people are just now realizing Ted Lasso is a saccharin show where no one suffers real consequences. That’s been the show all along!

I think season two suffered more from a lack of conflict and clear

I have to admit that, as I watched the opening where they went over the fallout of the story about Ted’s panic attacks, the stakes for this series never felt lower. There’s no danger of Ted losing his job, the team is getting promoted regardless of what an incompetent manager Ted is, nobody particularly cares about

At risk of starting a “thing”, the exact quote was “Latino movie stars.” Not “Latinx”.

“It was I Mare...the author of all your pain!”

While your sequence may lay out, all of this still makes no sense though because the motivation is missing. Dylan did a paternity test and knows for sure he is NOT Dylan’s dad, so why would it matter who the father actually is? He and his family have absolutely no say about where the kid goes at this point; if he’s

They had special burner phones 

All the Jess/Dylan stuff was a Red Herring mess.

Never thought a show making a character gay end up feeling more heteronormative, but Rugrats has found a way.

Acting was largely great, but the writing (more specifically the plotting)... Hoo boy. Mare opens up about her trauma to her shrink, and the same day her daughter, upset because her new girlfriend was just looking for a short hookup, blurts out how badly traumatized Kevin’s death leaves her so Mare can say sorry. John

The cliche of her not waiting for backup and turning off her phone really pissed me off. She just got out of hospital and lost her partner, but she’s going to plunge into a potentially dangerous situation for no good reason? It seems more like the writers saying , we neeed a climactic ending for the penultimate

I’m convinced this reviewer doesn’t actually watch the show and does these recaps based on conversations he overhears between people who do watch. 

It seemed pretty obvious to me that Carrie fell asleep by the tub because she declined the uppers despite her fatigue because she was trying to be a better person (and mom).

It’s a way to garner viewer sympathy and suspense about the possible tragedy of the kid drowning even while his mom is doing the right thing. I

...reveals its culprit

The guy’s name is Billy and it is fairly obvious that John is the actual killer (he is likely in the picture given to the Chief.

WOW!  Do I disagree with you.  I personally thought his acting was a massive detriment to the gravitas of the season.  He seemed to be pushing constantly to turn this run into a slapstick comedy.  Diff’rent Strokes I guess.

I think that says more that Covid wasn’t the problem.

Favorite episode of the season. To me its how Satchel Cannon becomes Mike Milligan, hence the black and white to color.  Also pretty sure that billboard is a nod to Mike Milligans speech about being the future.  It was a quirky character study that was throughly entertaining.  

I have been trying for years to find any actual info on why they were swapped for the West, and nobody actually knows.