
Not that I’m so plugged in to soccer to really care about it that much but this season just did not care about it at all. We have the streak of draws at the beginning, we have “park the bus,” the FA Cup thing for a minute, and... this game? Maybe I’m forgetting something but... they just in the background won a bunch,

I clicked on this for more or less that exact purpose, thinking “hmm I bet Miranda didn’t actually say Latinx” so... mission accomplished I guess

I promise to stop thinking Spectre was awful if it will get me this Guy Pearce thing

Speaking of custody I was also not really satisfied with the resolution of the Carrie plotline: it was clear there was going to be movement there after she had her scare in the tub (at which point I’m pretty sure the show was telling us she was still sober and just stretched too thin), but I was figuring this would

This seemed wrong to me also but I think it works, sort of?

They certainly foreshadow it: he’s given an odd amount of focus (like when you get a scene that’s basically just “this kid reacts to the murder news”) and all the “Dad’s secret” scenes are purposely vague enough to work, and so on. So I don’t think it’s cheap at all in that sense.

Mmm so I see they’re waiting until Season 2 to drop the bombshell that Guy Pearce orchestrated all this from the shadows. Very bold.

Don’t ruin my theory with your pesky facts.

I do agree that the maxim has so far been pretty good that anybody the show gives you a shred of evidence or suspicion against, they’re in the clear. Eventually you can’t keep doing that... somewhere around 20-40 minutes into next week’s episode, maybe?

The son is involved for sure, we’ve just had so many scenes of him floating around, this episode where he’s just in the foreground hanging out, a prior one where we get a scene basically just of him reacting to “dead/missing girl” news on the TV with the family a couple weeks ago.

there is clearly Symbolism at play here, but I’d be lying if I said it added up to much of anything to me

Obviously it will be the cathartic final scene, as the camera zooms in on Drake finally performing the half-tuck as the audience cheers wildly, followed by a pan up to capture a knowing look, cut to black, credits. During this scene Drake has killed seven men.

This has been a huge sticking point for fans online, especially with contemporary games like Destiny 2, Doom Eternal, and Marvel’s Avengers all receiving free upgrades to PlayStation 5.

They have chemistry in that scene, basically out of nowhere. I don’t know that we got much of anything all season long that justifies why Perry would track her down or that they’d have that conversation about loneliness, other than that she was a major character and somebody had to go give her some sort of narrative

It’s pretty cut and dried, I think (though not *so* cut and dried that they couldn’t walk it back later if they think it’s a bad idea, but I think it would clearly be a retcon in that case).

Well, what’s clear is that the best ones are the inversions: “Fission Mailed” or “Time Paradox” from Metal Gear Solid, the game over screens where you’re taunted by various characters from the Arkham games, Spec Ops: The Line’s degenerating loading screen tips, and so on.

I believe they did cast an actual Tibetan voice actor for Uncharted 2's Tenzin, but it’s possible they just figured they couldn’t really “fake” it even up to the low standards of “foreign language for English speakers” with Tibetan.

This is a show where we’ve seen that people have literal auto-aiming guns but the only time the villains ever get to use them is when Maeve can just hack them (in a rare moment of using any of her abilities).

Well, that was terrible.

Yes, I came here to talk about how the end is just literally Fight Club, so now I don’t have to, cool.