
Several commenters last week helpfully explained what I didn’t quite get about the whole tracker/blood-protein thing: that it was tracking William so Team Doloreses could find the reprogramming center, which was in an unknown location.

They were both pretty garbage in that fight scene, for sure. Clearly another contracting boondoggle: some things never change.

Yeah, it’s hard to see how the reprogramming system could really work at any sort of useful scale. Putting the failed subjects in Minority Report or Demolition Man jail seems pretty unnecessary compared to just killing them (a system they already have in place with the dumb “crime app”) or even putting them in...

Yeah, a couple replies have put that together for me, I didn’t quite grab that Dolores was tracking William to find that facility (and therefore her tricking him into it wasn’t just an act of revenge).

OK, that makes sense.

On other aspects: the “release the profiles” stuff continues to be silly, nearly everyone who receives one is committing suicide or murder immediately. As Zack asks, where are all the mediocre-to-good profiles? The plight of the background character, I suppose. If nothing else, everyone is very ready to believe that

The “unknown protein” is presumably the tracker in WIlliam’s blood that Charlotte mentions later when his face pops up on her screen.

So, Forest had Katie... what, hand-program the simulation to include their memories? Was it white-void “ghost” Forest who asked her to do that (I guess she hand-programmed “ghost” mode at some point, too), or did he do that before? While she’s in there modifying the reality inside the system, why not give them super

Yeah but that’s not what actually happens: he comes out and casually dispatches almost everybody, they have time for a little chat where Angela says he was wrong, he says he wasn’t, then he gets hit by the ray gun thingie.

oops I see there’s another thread already saying the same thing as my post, nvm

Sure, that’s absolutely a possibility.

I find that line of reasoning pretty unpersuasive.

Joelle mentioned it, but yeah, a very unsatisfying resolution to the “inevitable” tragedy looming 10 years in the future: a racist with a future-gun slowly moving in the background.

I’ve been saying zen-DYE-uh like a chump

Yeah, I think that the feeling I have is that I could easily lose this whole season up to this point and not have really lost anything of value. It’s telling that other experiment subjects aren’t around in this episode and we’re not really missing anything.

The Nintendo Switch is cool and all, but that was some jarring product placement.

Someone shortens it as "7K" or something like that, too.

I wonder if this show will have any trouble just because of the concept of being a sequel to something from a different medium... there were way more direct Watchmen references expecting viewer foreknowledge than I was necessarily expecting (okay so maybe that’s on me, since the show is called Watchmen).

Double agent(s) feels like a very believable future plot point

Worked out great for this guy