
My prediction for the Uncharted movie:

They’re clearly teasing the fact that the film is going to give us an origin story for the tucked shirt. His mentor is going to say something like, “Just because you’re a globetrotting adventurer, that doesn’t mean you can’t be presentable. Tuck in that shirt!” And then the movie audience goes absolutely bananas.

Rhea Seehorn is one of the reasons I stopped watching Better Call Saul

nah, I don’t see much ambiguity here. There’s no point to the scene with Perry and Pete on the bridge unless that last move Perry was talking about was about bribing the juror.

He meant they were doing it continuously.

It had to have been Perry, right? “I’m almost out of moves.” / Him giving Pete a final job. I didn’t sit right with me, but I can see how he might have felt it necessary. I sort of read Pete shifting allegiances to Burger as a way to lead both himself and Perry back to the light. He seemed like he felt dirty about

I believe Perry had Pete bribe one juror - the one we see Pete hand over the money to. That juror’s comments about what “the other two” were getting paid, and Pete’s not knowing who he was talking about, indicated to me that those two juror’s genuinely believed that Emily was innocent.

. I hope Tatiana Maslany comes back next season.

I think the general idea isn’t so much that Harry Shearer shouldn’t be allowed to play Dr Hibbert as maybe not every single character regardless of color needs to be played by a white person. If it were an occasional thing and POC were getting their fair share of voice work, it would be less of an issue.

Can someone explain this to me: Why did Serac want to get the key out of Delores in the first place? I understand it’s the key to somehow unlocking the place where all the other hosts went, but why would Serac want access to that? How does that help him in his plan to control humanity with his machine?

Sometimes I play GTA and ride around the countryside on a motorcycle, and sometimes I see how many cop cars I can blow up.

I know that not all the Doloreses are the same (The wildly circuitous arc of Hale-Dolores took this season made that abundantly clear.) I just can’t get invested in one of them dying, even if it’s the “original” Dolores, knowing that there are at least 2 other (non-Hale) copies out there with all her old memories and

I still find the whole premise comical that apparently everyone who attended the parks was secretly a rapist, and all they needed were the walls of society to get thinner so then they could do their long awaited raping.

Season 3 didn’t even memorable sequences like the absolutely sensational scenes in season 2 about the James Delos host mentally collpasing over decades (though see James in season 3 was both completely unnecessary and kind of lovely).

Can the creators just admit they had precisely one season worth of material for a fantatic show, they made that show, and now they have nothing and we can all get on with our lives?

transition into the actual song itself (“Dark Side Of The Moon”) was a neat thematic touch

Like you, I had high hopes for this in the early episodes, probably because I have a weakness for sleek and cool cyberpunk surface and futurist-speak. But like all third-rate cyberpunk stories, it emphasizes those things (especially the latter), the style, over any kind of depth or nuance, the substance.

Boring episode. Repeating information we knew before, as well as well as scenes that were ineptly handled the first time so their intended emotional effects once again didn’t land this time.

Serac was just a dime-store villain. What a fucking dull character. What a waste of screen time. Likewise the Caleb character is 100% meh. Never any investment in his choices, fate, etc.