
Apparently last week's was originally titled "Jello."

Mike used to settle for just being half in the bag, but he'll never make that mistake again.

I was watching fairly closely and I still don't understand how the string could have worked.

Murder was an unnecessary step here. Everyone knows Mike could have just dropped off his evidence with the proper authorities.

Maybe he'll work it in later as an accessory.

That was probably the loudest possible silent stare, though.

He shoots up so quickly, right after protesting over and over that it's the electricity that's the problem. I wasn't totally sure Chuck wasn't laying it on extra-thick on purpose to extract the assurances he wanted from (non-Slippin') Jimmy.

Poor Chandler.

As a lawyer, Chuck should know that the police only have to respond to the exact words "Don't tase me, bro." (And, of course, "Are you a cop?")

This fake ID was in The Sting, Part II, so nobody knows about it!

I've been behind Jimmy all the way so far, but impugning the good name of the Albuquerque Journal subscriptions department? That's crossing a line.

Even now that I'm expecting it, the cutoff in the middle of the opening sequence music is off-putting.

Think of how many Picarats he earned for figuring out that mine-gas thing, though.

Colombian neckties are bad enough, but a Colombian bow tieā€¦ that's over the top. Insult to injury, you know?

MAN AT BAR: "I'll take all the stale breadsticks you have, please."

"I bought her fucking Oscar"

The following acoustic jam session takes place between 1:00 PM and 2:00 PM.

Ice Cube answered this question over two decades ago.

Listen, there was once a time when men controlled what women did and how they lived their lives. You know how? They just decided to.