
That's a nice, punchy title. Sorkin should think about maybe reusing that one some time.

I think it's important to mention that the Hannibal in the header image looks like an exasperated Conan O'Brien.

That's not fair, he took some pretty well-composed photos of roadside debris and signs.

She could have had anybody.

Just pop in your House DVDs if you want a hundred or so more examples.

Steven Avery, the guy who was wrongfully accused and exonerated, then went on to murder a woman and is now back in prison.

Vox Media has a zillion sports blogs under SBNation, the big-ish tech sites The Verge and Polygon, and… some other stuff. Vox.com, Ezra Klein's thing that Todd writes for, is their newest, classiest, handsomest component of the empire.

Sorkin has adapted your story as the pilot for his next show.


Well, that wasn't very good, was it?

It's… the best.

The original title was A Person Who Gets Murdered On The Way To A Place but the damn editors got their hands on it and here we are.

Go away, 'bating (to get people to comment)

So, B.J. Novak's character is, what, Pierre Omidyar combined with Jeff Bezos plus a dash of Mark Zuckerberg thrown in for good measure?


I think Spacey's pallid, soulless appearance isn't a technological problem but instead a faithful representation of what he'll actually look like in 2054.

The harassment and threats to the family are a clear low point in the all-around-awful "Sunil Tripathi did it" phase of the saga, itself one of many clear low points in the Reddit "Find the Boston Bombers" shitstorm, itself probably the low point in all the media and social media crap that surrounded the bombing.

Bold move making Whitney the leader of GamerGate.

The A.V. Club

It's actually "American Horror Story: Torso Heap"