
"Homonym pet peeve" pet peeve:

Randy's "hot hot hot hot" is getting a real workout this season.

Thank God the club scene only had the single line at the end, or else who knows what might have happened…

This feature finally gets to stake out a position on the topic after Washington's inexplicable absence from discussion of last year's playoffs.

"The Wacky Circumference!"


If you really think about it, have you ever seen Ed Harris go down a flight of stairs?

I just feel like the show's just setting things up to be ambiguous enough to string people along into thinking there may be Answers and Mysterious Shiz, just so it can yank the football away and double down on the bleak: this is just the shitty mundane reality of it all.

Pretty sure this is all just a tragic effect of oxygen deprivation. I told them they couldn't have "Choke" come up on that app that often, but did they listen??

He just really misses Judging Amy (or was it Providence? No, Judging Amy).

Yeah, the court stuff just seems off, and not just for the time period.

Somebody's reading 'em at some point for them to generate an email about Nora's anomalous results.

What was the period of our time skip again?

Yeah it was a pretty accurate rendition of a pharmaceutical ad, applied to those RealDolls or whatever.

They were going to go with "Love means sometimes having to say you're sorry, and sometimes not, on a case-by-case basis as circumstances warrant," but they thought it lacked a certain panache.

Cram it, would you kindly?

Looks like those clowns in Congress have done it again… What a bunch of clowns.

It's good to know that no matter what else has changed in this topsy-turvy world, PayPal is still there to freeze your goddamn account.

Yeah, well why do you think he had that meltdown in the Sugar Bowl?

Gargoyles coverage? Pft, no way. I have it on good authority that the series will slumber until the castle rises above the clouds.