
He's well known in the psychiatric community for his rhymes and flows.

So that's where Starbuck disappeared to.

I think I might draw the line at 8,000 "Exposé"s, though.

I would tend to agree that Lost didn't really live up to its potential and I don't think highly of the later seasons, but you pretty much have to admit that the run as a whole stands head and shoulders above the many shows, some mentioned in the article, that tried to play in the same sandbox.

Am I allowed to think the show was at times great, but made a bunch of false turns and missteps, including damn near the entire final season, without it being a "backlash"?

There was violence, and threats of poison gas… but also dancing!

Woozle wuzzle?

Sigh, I knew I should have shown all of you Electro-Gonorrhea: The Noisy Killer.


Should have sent… a poet…


Everybody has a fucking phone—where's yours?

Among people bumming the HBO Go logins of their friends and relatives, at any rate.

At least.

Just doing your part to make sure the light keeps on winning.

You're not the time, Kent!

I just hope that this roundtable was planned out on a transparent whiteboard, or at least with other staffers randomly dropping by to say "you're an ass."

Defeated seems about right. You'd expect Rust to be tending bar out in the middle of nowhere with no customers. On the other hand, Marty's suit and office make it seem like he's doing okay in his life off the force, except that the office is totally empty, and he's totally sure that nobody will be showing up to

I was about to go look at HBO Go for his previous appearance at the school, because i don't really remember him being scarred.

I was all set to come and brag about my comment a couple weeks ago mentioning Creepy Lawn-Mowing Guy, but then I went and looked at it and it was actually a reply to someone else already talking about how he was set to show up later and presumably would be important.