
Oh yeah this season really has a lot of lawn action, huh?

Apparently the answers to the headline are Gravity and Not Gravity, respectively.

It actually does have multiplayer, but who would know?

It's for the best; Jerome Morrow was never meant to be one step down on the podium.

Maggie was quoting Rust about forgiveness. The detectives ask her if she thinks Rust was wrong about that, and she responds: "Less and less."

Gosh, True Detective became Fight Club so gradually I hardly even noticed. (I don't think this will happen.)

Rust just better not have the mandatory "putting it all together" colored yarn wall in that storage unit or I'm out.

Even by 2002 one of the detectives Rust is helping out is black.

I can't believe the killer was ass cancer all along.

Yeah, they go there for about 10 seconds, just long enough to meet the guy whose job is to mow the decrepit building's lawn, then their R&I on LeDoux comes back and they race over to the prison to talk to Charlie.

It's been pretty clear from the get-go that the present-day detectives suspect Rust (just go back and look at how often they steer Marty toward talking about Rust in their interview).

Not with that attitude you won't.

Let's get one very important thing straight: it was clearly a jockstrap.

James Marsden AS Johnny Rico IN A Michael Bay Film: Starship Troopers

Aside from the other stuff mentioned, Cronenberg's The Fly, Scorsese's Cape Fear and the Crowe/Bale 3:10 to Yuma seem to be pretty well liked. Some might include The Ladykillers or Ocean's 11. A fair share of people like some of those other Kings Kong. And of course there's the ultimate remake: The Wicker Man.

There's a Jeopardy subthread in the What's On Tonight comments, that would seem like the appropriate place.

You'll run for your shanties and you'll like it.

You know, it's rude to talk about Xbox like it's not even in the room. Push it too far and who knows what could happen? That little red microphone icon is a Walking Dead-style ominous warning.

How did nobody in the Iranian government figure that maybe they should torture or at least maybe interrogate Brody? You know, the American guy who just mysteriously showed up in your country, got asylum, and then inexplicably decided to murder one of your top leaders? Oh, keep in mind that this same guy was both

What are you talking about? Javadi has shown us over and over that he's a strongly empathetic person who cares deeply for women, specifically their right to be exsanguinated by a broken bottle to the neck.