
Carrie has bipolar disorder, hid it from the CIA, had electroconvulsive therapy, regularly goes off her meds, has been institutionalized, slept with a person she herself suspected was a terrorist and illegally wiretapped, blew the lid on the later operation to keep tabs on him, smuggled that same person out of the

But that's the official Showtime motto: This Show Doesn't Need to Exist Anymore.

Saul's rage is like jazz, you have to look at the objects he doesn't smash.

Yeah, you know how on a cold day sometimes it takes a little longer for you to suffocate your enemies? TV's just not interested in the realities of it.

It does seem like a situation where that specific ricin just keeps coming up to avoid it being seen as a loose thread. We've already seen him make it twice, there's no need for him to risk going to the old neighborhood just to get that vial.

I was torn between two options when randomly guessing at what's going on there: Option A: Walt's been publicly outed at a notorious criminal. Option B: He's supposed to be dead.

When they kept bringing up the 911 recording, I assumed early that the show would have News Night make the misleading edit that NBC did in real life, as a counter to the much-mocked Season 1 instances where Will & company are the only people to make the right choice on a big story.

State of Play?

Eh, that's true, but just even making the clue lists scroll and stay next to the grid would have been a huge improvement, and that should've been super-easy to do.

Eh, that's true, but just even making the clue lists scroll and stay next to the grid would have been a huge improvement, and that should've been super-easy to do.

But there was clearly some period of no surveillance, otherwise they would have been watching the shop when Brody showed up (do we know how long ago that was?). We know that's not the case, since the CIA didn't know Brody had been there.

But there was clearly some period of no surveillance, otherwise they would have been watching the shop when Brody showed up (do we know how long ago that was?). We know that's not the case, since the CIA didn't know Brody had been there.

He texted "May 1," to Roya, I assume.

He texted "May 1," to Roya, I assume.

I assume it will be just another of the series' many callbacks and references for their own sake, without any real significance.

I assume it will be just another of the series' many callbacks and references for their own sake, without any real significance.

Carver did weirdly get named, while the other mooks didn't, and I didn't notice him going down in the carnage either.

Carver did weirdly get named, while the other mooks didn't, and I didn't notice him going down in the carnage either.