
If Walt Jr. knew Emo McGee was an option, he wouldn't have monkeyed around with this Flynn business.

If Walt Jr. knew Emo McGee was an option, he wouldn't have monkeyed around with this Flynn business.

Walt tips the DEA off, he has Saul call in an anonymous tip.

Walt tips the DEA off, he has Saul call in an anonymous tip.

Will McAvoy's honest approach to the news is already improving our culture! Though, for full points, you probably should have written out the periods. Period.
The system works, people.

Will McAvoy's honest approach to the news is already improving our culture! Though, for full points, you probably should have written out the periods. Period.
The system works, people.

But a crossover episode/series with Giancarlo Esposito investigating mysterious happenings and dimensions while calmly slitting random characters' throats would be totally OK, no matter the amount of product integortion.

But a crossover episode/series with Giancarlo Esposito investigating mysterious happenings and dimensions while calmly slitting random characters' throats would be totally OK, no matter the amount of product integortion.

Even with the extra half-piece of ill-gotten bacon, 51 is just not a good year for Walter, bacon-wise.

Even with the extra half-piece of ill-gotten bacon, 51 is just not a good year for Walter, bacon-wise.

Don't rule out Walt having a wild and wacky "paintball" game with his new M60 in a year.

Don't rule out Walt having a wild and wacky "paintball" game with his new M60 in a year.

In "Crawl Space" last season, Gus said he was going to kill Hank, and that he'd kill Walt and the whole family if he got in the way.

In "Crawl Space" last season, Gus said he was going to kill Hank, and that he'd kill Walt and the whole family if he got in the way.

You mean foreshadowing of her future career as a serial killer slash blood-splatter analyst.

You mean foreshadowing of her future career as a serial killer slash blood-splatter analyst.

All the talk at the beginning about the many maintenance nightmares, broken windshields, and questionable color choices of the Aztek are as meta as I can remember the show getting other than maybe the great saga of the unsliced roof-huckable pizza.

All the talk at the beginning about the many maintenance nightmares, broken windshields, and questionable color choices of the Aztek are as meta as I can remember the show getting other than maybe the great saga of the unsliced roof-huckable pizza.

Ron Howard's attached to direct.

Ron Howard's attached to direct.