
Mike, disregarding his own advice about half measures.

Mike, disregarding his own advice about half measures.

Isn't the uneaten bowl of cereal Skyler's? Right after we focus on it, there's a cut to her, still in bed.

Isn't the uneaten bowl of cereal Skyler's? Right after we focus on it, there's a cut to her, still in bed.

I've already read this basic point in these comments a few times, but, again: what were you expecting from Sorkin here? The anchors on Sports Night, the staffers and reporters from The West Wing, those same people from The West Wing plus Matthew Perry on Studio 60, all of them snarkily banter their way through half of

I've already read this basic point in these comments a few times, but, again: what were you expecting from Sorkin here? The anchors on Sports Night, the staffers and reporters from The West Wing, those same people from The West Wing plus Matthew Perry on Studio 60, all of them snarkily banter their way through half of

Brody himself could have slipped Hamid the razor blade, and there could be some other moving part or middleman that would explain how Walker knew the diplomat had been turned, but I don't see how we're explaining the tipoff that Aileen got without a mole.

Did Brody even see Swordfish?

This episode might give more weight to Estes as the double agent: Brody once again turned to him to throw up a roadblock to the CIA's progress.

Like putting too much air in a balloon!

I agree it's his best performance, but Jumper isn't exactly a high bar to clear.

Glass already paid the ultimate price by being portrayed by Hayden Christensen. Is it really necessary to add insult to injury?

The continuing decline of the show notwithstanding, Fancy Robot Dog Fancy is objectively funny.

Drive Angry's 3D was a travesty.

I liked that they dumped the framing story they've used for these episodes in the past, but still kept a thread between the segments. Apart from the comet each segment had the same joke where there's a big, important reveal, but we can't actually see it because of the animation style.

Is "cripple" (the noun) something we use now?

Entourage is just one Patrick Stewart cameo away from this being an apt comparison.

It's "The Luck of the Fryrish." With two R's. That is all.