
Is this the part where I make myself feel old because I remember when decent examples of these were ~$20,000?

Absolutely, side barriers on trucks are standard in Europe and a lot of countries, but not in the US. They absolutely would have prevented the accident in this particular case both in alerting the driver and significantly increased the detection probability for the vehicle.

I mean, do you believe that viewers think she had multiple copies and just kept ripping the speech up after each of those parts of the address?”

So.... you do realize you say that your tv will be outdated in a few years... and then go on to say your TV didn’t need to be upgraded for over a decade...

So these batteries could maybe combat sea-level rise? These sound like the most amazing batteries ever. Bring on climate change! </s>

Maybe it can’t be created large enough to run an automobile...

timely and useful information, considering the flip flop back and forth design of left to right and right to lefting by kinja layouts

...”I’ve already wrapped myself around a tree”

Bill Clinton was the last president to balance the budget. The economy boomed. He was impeached by many of the same folks on Trump’s side now. It’s like they have no sense of history.

The alternate reality you guys live in is fascinating. Terrifying but fascinating. People think you’re all crazy or stupid, but it’s actually that you live in a totally different reality. The One reflected in Fox and Friends and it’s ilk. The one where Obama caused the recession. The one where Hillary Clinton was

“This isn’t impeachment”

I love reading these rants and trying to figure out if this is a paid plant or if the commenter is actually as dumb as they sound.

You can have a good economy (that was inherited) and still commit an impeachable offense, I know it’s hard to wrap your head around such a complex line of logic.

ok boomer.

Damn it, Donald, if this had been a coup, they would have rolled up to the WH and shot you in the head while you sat behind the Roosevelt desk. It is amazing how Donald and his sheeple think the constitution is whatever they want it to be on any given day. And 99 times out of 100 it is the exact opposite of what they

Seems to work with new stars now, no dice with old stars. I would just get to replies via the other user’s profile, just remember to click the little speech bubble.

They look delicious!

They look delicious!

So how’s the dog?

It seems like the trend lately is toward straight-line speed as curb weights go up. Relatively little mention was given to how this car handles; the focus was on acceleration and brakes.

Look, I like being pinned in my seat as much as the next guy, but where am I gonna use that 3.8 second party trick on my daily

Anyone could’ve hit that, and it’s not a pylon it’s a cone in the parking lot of the restaurant. You’re making a mountain out of a mole hill. Someone should take your press pass