Is this the part where I make myself feel old because I remember when decent examples of these were ~$20,000?
Is this the part where I make myself feel old because I remember when decent examples of these were ~$20,000?
...”I’ve already wrapped myself around a tree”
Seems to work with new stars now, no dice with old stars. I would just get to replies via the other user’s profile, just remember to click the little speech bubble.
They look delicious!
They look delicious!
So how’s the dog?
It seems like the trend lately is toward straight-line speed as curb weights go up. Relatively little mention was given to how this car handles; the focus was on acceleration and brakes.
Look, I like being pinned in my seat as much as the next guy, but where am I gonna use that 3.8 second party trick on my daily…
I think we’re far closer to solving nuclear fusion than convincing Karens to use the correct lane.
If we properly educated American drivers about lane etiquette and, well, driving, there’s no reason our interstate highways couldn’t be a fast as the German Autobahn. They’re designed for aircraft landings and troop transport, after all.
Who is going to sit highest on their horse?
It’d be nice if most Christians did not treat the Bible as completely factual though.
Oh, but Judeo-Christian beliefs (like all religious beliefs) are nuts. You can call them parables all you like, but for the longest time people believed them literally. And many still believe their literal truth even today. And if they are all parables, how can you determine what’s real or not?
But skeptics and critics love to cherry pick Leviticus as “proof” that Judeo-Christian beliefs are nuts.
And yet the Catholic Church says that communion wafers literally, physically turn to the flesh of Jesus in your mouth. And if you’ve abstracted away to the point that you deny the resurrection, there’s nothing left worth keeping in the religion and it should all just be scrapped.
Oh man I love this so much. It’s like a HotWheels fever dream. I literally guffawed at the picture of the rear end. It’s so silly. Like, dual-triple exhausts, who would even?
I think one of the problems with speed limits here in the United States at least is that the limits are designed for 50+ year old vehicles in a lot of places. I can understand the limit being 35 in more residential areas, as studies have shown that pedestrian deaths increase very quickly above 32-35 mph. However on…
I personally am opposed to abortion in my personal life, but IMO these clinics and the general access to abortion have the right to exist and shouldn’t be regulated out of existence simply because people oppose what they do.
It’s hard being a woman.
Sorry but Airlines are not the business hill I would choose to defend. Saying people shouldn’t book these tickets because they are taking away possible seats from other passengers is ridiculous in a business that regularly over-sells seats and punishes paying customers based on this practice. When airlines start…