God damn it, the answer was Disarm!
God damn it, the answer was Disarm!
What’s Raubahn’s favorite Smashing Pumpkins song?
True story, there was a Street Fighter: The Movie: The Game, so we've already reached that particular level of parody.
WoW veteran (2007-2019, had a max level of every class when I quit) here who’s leveled all three FFXIV healing classes over the last year:
I’m on a leveling binge right now and I’m working on getting all of my DPS casters up to max. Black Mage is my last one and boy does it completely change every ten levels (Though that can describe most of the jobs, I guess). I’m at, I think, 73 right now.
I wanna go on record right now as calling the melee DPS class as an Engineer based on Cid from FFIV.
I mean, as long as you’re not hit with a rejoining (Which only happens, on average, maybe every few hundred years), you’re fine there.
100%. Blizz has tended to go off and on in terms of quality in terms of ones I played through (WotLK, MoP, and Legion were all really good and Catalysm, WoD, and BfA not so much). Given, even the good ones had some bad, baaaaaad content droughts.
I was a PC gamer for maybe a decade and my Steam library shows for it.
This is my thing too, but for the 360. I never bought the One because I was just so underwhelmed by the 360. If it's literally the only gaming tech you own, I can see it, but I can't see any real justification for it over a PS console when Sony has pretty much always had the better exclusives of the two.
Xbox 360 and it’s not remotely close. I’ve owned every Nintendo console (Except Virtual Boy), every Sony console (Though I didn’t get a PS3 until like 2015), and multiple Sega consoles (Genesis, SegaCD, 32x, Game Gear, and Dreamcast).
*Sigh* Really want this game, but really feel it necessary to stick to my guns on avoiding Ubisoft until I see some actual wholesale management changes. Head rots at the top and I think I’m holding off so long as Guillemot remains involved.
Deal with it
Oh, fuck off.
No, BUT, a lot of AAA games will be available as part of the PlayStation Plus subscription.
Fair point. I like it. V was actually my first Final Fantasy too, so I’d have eaten that shit up.
In fairness, there still was a Cid and I can see how having Cid and Cidney would’ve been a bit odd.
See, I don’t get this. I played XV and didn’t seem to have any trouble parsing it. And, while I own the DLC, I haven’t actually dipped my toes into any of it (Nor have I watched Kingsglaive or the anime).
Yeah, I’m in solid agreement. More often than not, the music was entirely just background. That’s fine, and I didn’t mind it until I played XIV and got to listen to some of the trial music.