
Bah! I’m 100% here for that miming. I would kill for a Chrono Trigger raid in the next expansion. Hell, my current dream is that Square and Nintendo make a deal to get Mallow/Geno in SSB, but the real prize for me is for them to do a SMRPG tier. Gimme dat Axem Rangers and the ludicrous mechanics that would come with

Such toe tapability! This was not my intention!

That Shadowbringers OST is my jam.

Wait, there are people who don’t like the 5 and 6 covers?

Masoyoshi Soken’s scoring is a big part of what I like about FFXIV. I was a long time WoW player (2007 to 2019) and, while there were some standout tracks (Invincible, Lament of the Highborne), they were comparatively few and far between.

Counterpoint: while this is a good deal for what it is, it's not the set I'd recommend to most. 32GB is, far and away, more than the overwhelming majority would need. Most people are gonna be better off with a smaller but faster set.

Counterpoint: while this is a good deal for what it is, it's not the set I'd recommend to most. 32GB is, far and

FWIW, as someone who has also been on the fence about this one, the long and short I’ve absorbed from reviews is:

How dare you.

Hopefully Pizza Dog shows up in the Hawkeye DLC for Avengers.

I mean, I guess it’s at least nice of you to have not shared the rest of that comic.

I mean, I actively loved the Stormblood content, but I’d be hard pressed to say it wasn’t the worst of the three expansions (Leaps and bounds better than pretty much anything before like 2.4).

Seconded. I just finished 5.3 last week and it was a hell of a ride.

I started in January or so and JUST wrapped up 5.3 content. Almost all of this is endgame, but the new Bozjan Front is supposedly the alternative to Heaven on High/PoD for 70-80 leveling.

Well, point one I’d go with is to slow one’s roll on something like a 1070 Ti. Sure, that’s an expensive one, but it’s above and beyond what the overwhelming majority need. I’m able to run most games in HD off of a 1060MaxQ (The crippled version of the 1060 for laptops). A 1070 Ti is going to for a while. I’m, of

I spent my 9-9-99 on FFVIII.

Gonna lump in on this one too. PCs have, for a long, long time, been able to last for a good while with only incremental upgrades. If you buy a decent prebuilt and have the know how to replace your own GPU (One of the easier upgrades to make), you can usually make a system last for a long, long while.

Almost never. The N64, Wii, and Switch are the only consoles I’ve ever gotten within a year of release.

This... actually looks kind of ballin’?

Or, and hear me out here cause this is Occam’s Razor: It’s an arbitrary rationale that was imagined by the fanbase rather than any actual rule that Nintendo is somehow beholden to.

But the point is ff7 has been on a nintendo platform, that being the switch. If it hadn’t, cloud would not have been included in smash at all.