It’s visibly implied that I’m looking for clarity based on the remarks from the review, but hey, you go off, chief.
It’s visibly implied that I’m looking for clarity based on the remarks from the review, but hey, you go off, chief.
I actually mostly played it on Dreamcast, but I played enough on friends’ Playstations. It really wasn’t jarring going back and forth, it was just that smoothly done.
Doesn’t seem it. They’re releasing a “Deluxe” edition of 3D World in February. I think we’re just not getting Galaxy 2 for some reason.
Alright, let me get this straight: Is it literally, more or less, just the exact same game but with new visuals? Like, if I played this on PSX back in the day, it’s going to feel like I’m playing it all over again, but pretty?
A dude literally shot two protesters this fucking week, and you think a bunch of reddit weasels aren’t going to get it in their head to play cop when something like this glorifies it?
This is fucking gross. Putting this out is bad enough, but right fucking now of all times?! Like, an apology would’ve been bare fucking minimum 10 years ago. Now I feel like BARE minimum (Especially considering the other shit going on at Ubi) is everyone whose hands touched this particular thing without calling it out…
I went from hyped at the start of the trailer to thoroughly underwhelmed by the end.
This isn't the Arkham timeline, though. Jim was alive when Wayne Manor blew up in AK, so this is a different continuity which is...disappointing, to say the least.
Think you may have misread my remark. I’m 100% team Kassandra.
Good. Now fire everyone who was against putting Evie and Kassandra as the primary protagonist of their respective games too.
That baffles me. I’ve done two full 90+ hour playthroughs and I used Kassandra both times because Alexios is fucking obnoxious. His VO is terrible and while I understand most people picked him, I have literally never heard from anyone who tried both and preferred Alexios.
I mean, you LITERALLY asked:
Now did you skip it cause you were over AC or because you applied the same specific standard to the English who, by all historical accounts, were probably the single biggest warmongery, rapey culture in human history?
So, I assume you skipped Syndicate?
There’s articles all over, but the long and short? Because Ubisoft forced them to. Kassandra was supposed to be the only protagonist, but upper management (You know, those guys who were awful) forced Alexios on them.
Wall mounting my living room TV was one of the best design decisions we ever made. Everything is just so much cleaner. We mounted the router behind there too and the Switch dock and PS4.
Wall mounting my living room TV was one of the best design decisions we ever made. Everything is just so much…
You have my attention, Rocksteady...
It’s nuts how addictive it is. I’ve never touched an Animal Crossing game, I’m more into standard AAA action titles and the like.
Realistically? Holding out for holiday or delayed because of COVID conditions.