Same here. I was surprised to even see that it’ll work for PS4 controllers cause the Wii and Wii U were the only occasion I can think of that worked that way.
Same here. I was surprised to even see that it’ll work for PS4 controllers cause the Wii and Wii U were the only occasion I can think of that worked that way.
Meanwhile, the Tampa Bay Rays are having a hell of a time digitally generating a believable amount of blue seats.
I remarked on this elsewhere, but Suikoden 1, 2, and 3 are the literal only reason I still have a PS3.
It’ll have to do.
I keep waffling back and forth. I’ve been wanting to go full digital for years on my games and this would be a great excuse. Plus, less moving parts means less ways it could break.
I finally played RE2 right before getting The Last of Us 2.
How in the hell have I never heard of Clubhouse Games? That seems like Pandemic crack (We literally just caved and got ACNH like last weekend).
He says as someone who has already finished the ARR content but also is only now combing up on Stormblood content, much less Shadowbringers. This literally does not affect me in really any way.
Do we know the name of this patch, or is “New Mutants” still in the running?
That’s honestly more of a recent development, and even then, only with Microsoft and Sony. Nintendo almost always has one killer app at launch of some sort and Sega used to when they were still around in console production.
Gimme an MSRP, a release date, and maybe HZD 2 and I’ll be satisfied.
What about Cid Finalfantasy?
I mean, I wouldn’t doubt a vaccine by then, I would just doubt an effective and properly peer reviewed vaccine by then. I loathe to use anti-vaxxer talking points, but I’m hesitant to be an early adopter on something I don’t trust the current government to properly vet.
Oh good lord, I just found this:
I can’t imagine feeling safe on a plane by then. We were intending to go to Disney World, but I just can’t imagine that being logistically feasible until there’s a working safe,vaccine. And as much as I’m no anti-vaxxer, I also don’t trust the current administration to push something that’s not adequately tested…
March 24th for me. Literal day one of shutdown here in MA. It’s also scuttling my anniversary next month, realistically.
Wait, you don’t know how to beat Wario?
I gave up on a followup like 20 years ago. I just want an HD remake at this point (Maybe preferably cell shaded).