He works so well for it and my wife and I chuckle every time he mentions Jessie by name.
He works so well for it and my wife and I chuckle every time he mentions Jessie by name.
I’m actually one of those who vocally did not care for the original (I’ve always been a IX>VIII>VII guy) in that I really think you needed to play it before any of the other PS era FF games to get the most out of it (It got dated fast, I think). That said, I’m a quarter to a third through this one and I’m really…
Yeah, this remake is doing a much, much better job of investing you in Tifa early on. I’m only just now getting to the Sector 5 slums and I’m dreading the point where I imagine I’ll have to choose who’s going to be in my party because I’ve been dying for Aerith’s magic acumen, but I also don’t want to pull Tifa or…
I was playing in front of my wife and kid and my wife nailed the voice in one. It’s actually the dude who played Badger on Breaking Bad. It added a whole new layer to “Let’s stop by Jessie’s place.”
I feel like there’s a super select crowd for this deal. I feel like now’s not the time to buy a PS4 with PS5 just around the corner, plus this is the 1080p console with the 4K out there too.
I feel like there’s a super select crowd for this deal. I feel like now’s not the time to buy a PS4 with PS5 just…
RE3 at least had a certain tension going for it, kind of like a precursor to 4. Like, you were experienced and you knew what to expect, for the most part (I don’t recall there being any “new” monsters in 3, other than Nemesis), but everything was always so edge-of-your-seat.
I mean, 4 holds up fantastically. And despite the tank controls, RE2 held up really well (I last played it maybe two years ago?).
Yeah, I loved CV when it came out (I think I was 16), but I haven’t played it in literally close to two decades and I don’t think I will anytime soon (Despite owning it for PS4).
I’m still fucking devastated. Coming to Boston for the first time since I got into them and the world implodes.
Cool. That has fuck all to do with what I noted, though. Hyper fast SSD aside, that’s not going to be able to keep up if sizes keep rising. I don’t give a damn what the XB is capable of (I’m realistically never buying a MS console again), I care about what this thing is going to look like three years from now when…
Oh yeah, I’m well familiar (Lapsed PC gamer, finally moved away from it in maybe 2018). That’s where I’m coming from on that stuff, though. Even with an SSD, games with huge file sizes (Especially when the data isn’t well optimized), it still takes ages to load. I have AC Odyssey for PC (Got it free from the Stadia…
All well and good, but m.2 SSDs are fucking expeeeeeeeeeensive. If I’m going to have to invest in one after ten whole ass games, that’s going to get pricey fast. God help us if it’s got the same ass backwards internet speeds as the PS4 had (It’s a little disconcerting that a “deep dive” on the specs has nothing to say…
More or less, yeah. I bought an Xbox 360 about a year before I got into PC gaming and as a result, I had a library of like four games total for the thing. Never bought an original Xbox or Xbone. Microsoft is just terrible at getting AAA exclusive content if you’re not into grimdark shooters (Your Halos and your Gears).
I dunno, I still see more Carvey than Dick. Maybe it’s cause Andy Dick looks kind of like a melted Dana Carvey?
I’m also concerned that they’re missing the forest for the trees here. An SSD is a nice luxury feature, but if games keep going up and up and up in file size (Like the 100 GB FFVII Remake), then a single TB isn’t going to come close to cutting it unless they’re also somehow going to single handedly get the whole…
Yeah, unless this thing drops as some huge loss leader, I’m going to be waiting. That SSD is going to drive the cost up massively. If they deliver on the persistent rumors about full backwards compatibility across the Sony spectrum and keep the cost under $500 I’ll be tempted to bite, but both things sound unlikely.…
The thing that Xbox and Sony fanboys don’t seem to get is that so long as those specs are remotely close, you’re never going to see any third party content taking full advantage of those extra couple teraflops. Publishers need to make sure the games can run on both.
“No load times” Custom SSD or not, I’ll believe it when I see it.
*Ahem* Sonic 3 and Knuckles.