
FWIW, HZD is 3 full years old now.

Christ, just give us Rogue Squadron Ultimate. All of the previous missions and vehicles, just with updated graphics. Lord, the idea of a 4K resolution Rogue Squadron on a modern size TV is top of my list now.

In case you haven't gotten to it yet, it's $33.75 today if you're okay with a physical copy and have a local Target (Store pickup online orders only).

100%. I live in the area and there is almost no fucking concern. People panicked for about a day when that one case was reported, but the guy did everything right from what I know and it’s been an isolated thing.

I’m also more than a little excited to see Jackson have more time for B99. The guy is a national treasure.

Where it differentiated things, and where it caught my attention, was that they fixed the one glaring issue with why that didn’t work with the Wii U.

I said a couple of years ago that I would realistically buy literally anything rereleased on Switch just for the portability. The bunch of FF games I've done that with speaks to that, though I haven't snagged RE4 yet (Which I presently own for GC, Wii, PC, and PS4).

Not in a full fledged capacity, but PC games can be pretty effectively modded so you could at least skin Aloy to look like Zelda. You should see some of the Cemu mods for BotW.

While you’re in search settings, get your omnibar sorted. Older beta versions didn't work right with keywords. That was the one thing holding me back before, but now it's fully functional.

Holy shit, guys. If HZD DOES come to PC, we can more-or-less have this!

I mean, good for the fans. I didn’t actually get a PS4 until mid-2017 (In anticipation of Spider-Man, I’m a huge fan of the character and it looked good) and didn’t get to HZD until after Christmas that year. If that came out any year other than the year BotW came out, it would’ve been my game of the year).

Haha, most?! Slott had about the most successful (Critically and sales wise) run on Spider-Man since the eighties.

On top of everything, the goal of peaceful integration was more or less abandoned almost 20 years ago when Morrison took over. Whedom tried to inch back into it, but it never really took.

Given the opportunity, I would in fact vote for Kefka over Cindy Hyde-Smith.

You sure named a whole lot of games that check that box. Arguably, Fallen Order was the first good 3D Jedi game since the Katarn games.

*Had. She had a pair of white ones in Rebels.

Yeah, I can make sense of her STARTING in that outfit, but at worst she should be changing at the RPD building.

Those timeframes can be rough. I’m listening to the Besties podcast from back around Q1 of 2017 and that was suuuuuper crowded with AAA games (RE7, HZD, BoTW).

I don’t know that that would affect it, really. These were essentially ground up remakes, if they’re reusing the same engine for 3 as they did 2, it should be an easy transition considering the main difference between 3 and CV was asset-wise rather than engine/mechanics wise. I don’t remember a single real Gameplay

I was thinking it! Man, that movie was so, so bad...