
That’s for a base model XBox One, this pricing features 4K resolutions and is a lot more portable.

I thought it was quite fun, personally.

This is a perfect comparison. Thank you!

I have a lot (A whole fucking lot) of problems with this episode, but everything that happened this season has been 100% consistent with Cersei’s character.

Two episodes of half-assed repeating of the same thing doesn’t outweigh seven seasons of characterization. Those last two episodes were also lazily written.

Here’s the other fun thing that is just obnoxious as fuck:

There’s a massive gulf between those examples and what she did here. The opposing army had visibly and vocally surrendered. Cersei was doomed. She had absolutely nothing to gain and everything to lose by slaughtering the citizenry, but she went and did it anyway.

It’s a miracle!

I stand by the idea that She Hulk would be wasted on a film. She needs a straight up law procedural.


Took me a few minutes to figure out the Omnibox settings, but once I got there, I was golden. So far, so good on it. It’s quick, stable (So far), and I do honestly like the look of it.

My daughter actually nailed me years ago (She was maybe nine or ten at the time). I’ve never been one to prank, since I don’t know that I have the social awareness for it, but she got super into them and did some really stupid ones one year (Like moving my chair or something). The following year, though, expecting


These dudes play a game for a living. I think way too many people are assuming the extent to which this might bother literally anybody who matters.

Because they like their kids? And they’re on the road for, at a minimum, 81 days a year and would like to do something to put a smile on said kid’s face?

Honestly? I'm excited about it. The sing is annoying, but this is the kind of idiotic fun that baseball needs and "my kid likes it" is the best rationale that has ever existed for a walk up song.

Holy shit, I missed that FF IX drops todaaaaaaay.

Oh god. I didn’t conceive of this happening, but I am so hyped. Link’s Awakening is a top three Zelda for me and I think it looks gorgeous. And I got chills at the Ballad of the Wind Fish at the end.

Looks like you’ll get your wish. Link is jumping with his sword and shield equipped multiple times in the trailer, which is something you couldn’t do in the original.

Okay, but why is she dressed as Spider-Man?