
Yeah, we were one of the groups that got hosed. Two-earner household, high tax state (MA). Our return came in at about 60% of last year’s.

Oh shit, I didn't realize I'd missed the announcement that it was getting a Switch release. Looks like I'm getting my fifth copy (GCN, Wii, PC, PS4).

This feels like a horrifyingly invasive slippery slope and a huge violation of the rights of those who weren’t culpable..

I’m all for a POC for the Dem ticket, but what established, viable 40 year candidates are there of any race? Gillum is the closest I can think of and he has almost no chance on a national ticket right now.

I imagine it may be from the point they announced it onward. That said, I did plug a couple of hours earlier this week doing leftover sidequests and nothing. 

A small correction:

Yep, it’s an apparent change with this new bonus. From the Ubi link in the article:

Yeah, I literally just fucking wrapped the game up this week. Something like 95 hour playthrough.

It logs you out after 20 minutes of inactivity.

Then why would you own a Wii U?

One could’ve maybe made that argument when I first made this comment maybe a year and a half ago, but now? Mario Odyssey, SSB Ultimate, Diablo, and an undending supply of indie stuff have long since justified the cost of entry.

I mean, I’m not saying that I think it’s a good idea for them to be doing this. I think they’re going to regret it because I firmly believe that there’s just not a significant enough market segment to justify its existence.

That’s a big thing for me. I started the game toward the tail end of BC, maybe six months or so before the Weather prepatch dropped.

It amazes me how few people on multimedia sites understand the basics of intellectual property.

Nope, has to be on the roster at some point during the season. I think Bogaerts might be the only player getting even his second ring.

I can’t, he blocked me years ago. Proud moment for me.

Schilling is a next level asshat. He’s up there with the likes of John Rocker and I’m glad the team has essentially cut ties with him.

Nothing wrong with replay on that play. No conclusive angle that could overturn was available and the only angle that could’ve cleared it up was blocked by a Minute Maid Park security guard.

It’s such a hard call. I fucking loathe Joe West, but this is an almost impossible call to make in realtime. Either way the call went on the field, about half of the fanbase is going to be bullshit with him.

While I appreciate the sentiment, I will note that this should be bare fucking minimum.