
If VW could insert enough AI in their coal-rolling diesel cars to detect when they were being tested for emissions and nearly got away with it, can’t smartphones be tweaked to detect when their user is driving?

Everything is so dumb these days.  

You forget that the ONE THING Republicans are good at is GETTING THE FUCK IN LINE. It doesn’t matter who the R is, they will vote. Think of all those Republicans who said “I have a daughter, and I don’t think we should grab pussies”, and then stumped, voted, and carried water for him.

Just watched some truck crash videos yesterday of wrecks caused by truckers.

Stick to being surveilled by good honest patriotic American social media sites?

Don’t forget Google.

Getting through the latest copy of National Enquirer, Star, Globe, and National Examiner will cure even the most constipated amongst us. 

Lemme guess, Trump’s speech against EVs looked something like this:

The top contenders for moron of the century running neck and neck 

Contrarianism and lib-owning are two of their cornerstones, yes, but you underestimate their loyalty to Trump. He could tell them point-blank to vote for DeSantis, and most of them would refuse to do it as they would claim Trump is being held hostage by the deep state and being forced to say things he doesn’t mean. A

He signed TWO HUNDRED new laws today. Banning abortion after six weeks (women WILL die), muzzling teachers, dictating care doctors can provide...

Even if he gets the nomination, I can’t imagine him winning the overall election as MAGA people would refuse to vote for him and everyone else sees him for the shrill little oily goblin that he is. 

“in our next step in the anti-woke crusade, today i announce that we are banning all carbon monoxide meters in florida” Ron probably.

But see, they think that their attack leopard will only eat the faces of the people they don’t like… 

Anything to own the libs.

Ironically, Ron Desantis’ poll numbers being such a drag makes him illegal in Florida!

Do you know how many lunches to schoolkids the state could have refused to provide for $15 million per year?

Personally, I comment on Jalopnik threads.

Things like this are why DeSantis’s poll numbers are cratering. It’s become obvious that he has no principles and his governing approach is simply catering to whatever culture-war meme is getting the most current traction. To get a piece of legislation like this out of the current FL legislature with bipartisan

Why help your constituents when you can keep stoking destructive culture wars?